Submission Deadline: You will receive a mark only for the codes that are demonstrated in front of a TA by the end of the lab. Additionally, you have to submit on Avenue a text le (with extension... 继续阅读案例 程序JAVA题目:Java Write two Java classes:
: 标签: :,2019-05-10
“C” Option (WARNING: Only the FindCustomerRecursive method is recursive!): You may use Ada, C++, assembly or Java. If you desire to use another language ask for permission. Implement the foll... 继续阅读C++案例英文题目:Part C Binary Search Tree Point
: 标签: :,2019-05-10
(Final)ProjectFour Description: In this final project, you will be implementing a game or interactive demonstration thatintegrates one or more additional capabilities of your choice into the... 继续阅读C++编程案例:(Final)ProjectFour C++ OpenGL
: 标签: :,2019-05-05
数据结构与算法课程报告要求2017 内容:数据结构及其应用实例(例如:线性表及其应用实例,栈、队列及其应用实例,树结构及其应用实例,图结构及其应用实例,查找、排序及其应用实例等),要求用两种存储结构,或两种不同查找算法,或两种不同的排序算法,或两种不同的遍历算法,或两种不同的算法如递归与非递归算法实现。 课程报告的封面:应给出题目、班级... 继续阅读案例做C++:数据结构与算法课程报告要求2017
: 标签: :,2019-04-22
Overview In this project you will implement a small part of a text search engine: using an existing inverted file index for a multi-word query to find the top-matching documents in a large do... 继续阅读CS案例之算法设计C++:Design of Algorithms
: 标签: :,2019-04-17
The study of chemical reactors is an important part of Chemical Engineering. The transient response of a chemical reactor is the change in the concentration of a chemical substance in the reacto... 继续阅读案例C:Fundamentals of Engineering Computati
: 标签: :,2019-04-16
题目: 首先建立投资者投资特征向量UC=(PVM、PTM、LPM、PEM、PBM分别表示投资者已投项目的领投额占比、项目估值、认购人数、项目讨论数和投资比的平均值,然后,基于内容的个性化推荐策略和投资者特征向量,实现股权众筹项目的推荐。推荐算法描述如下: 输入:投资者投资行为数据和众筹项目信息 输出:m 众筹项目 步骤1 :根据投资者... 继续阅读案例做C语言编程本科计算机:计算推荐的准确度
: 标签: :,2019-04-08
Files NOT to handin to cs60 p5 are: EvacRunner.cpp, CPUTimer.h, Minimum files to handin to cs60 p5 are: Makefile, evac.h, evac.cpp, authors.csv. Executable name: evac.out You are to wri... 继续阅读案例C++网络流: Programming
: 标签: :,2019-04-04
Deadline for Submission to SurreyLearn: 4:00pm, Tuesday 4th December 2018 Introduction Silhouettes contain much of the shape information necessary to recognise simple objects. For this reas... 继续阅读案例cs:c 算法: Computer Algorithms and Archit
题目:写一个简单的银行贷款系统,用户需要输入贷款开始时间(年、月、日)、贷款年利率、贷款期数(月数)和贷款总额,输出月还款总数、本金和利息。要求月还款额相等,包括本金和利息。月利息具体到天数,以每月的每天的利息和计息,1年按360天算。还包括以下功能:1、可进行已还款明细查询还款明细 查询姓名 贷款金额 贷款利率贷款起始日****-**-** 贷款到期日 ****-**-**日期 本... 继续阅读案例C语言源码+报告题目:简单的银行贷款系统
: 标签: :,2019-03-26