Python Programming – project 1 – 2018 Design a solution and implement the solution in Python to solve the problem described below. Historical data for solar radiation and wind speeds is availa... 继续阅读案例:案例python编程案例IT案例计算机案 英文案例
COMP5434 Big Data Computing Project 1: Implement Logistic Regression with Gradient Descent Backpropagation Introduction In Tutorial 1, we got start with Python and TensorFlow bas... 继续阅读计算机数据科学大数据代做数据分析处理题目编号:COMP5434 Big Data Computing
: 标签: :,2018-11-03
Software Engineering 265 Software Development Methods Summer 2018 project 3 Due: Thursday, July 19th, 11:55 pm via a push by git “push. No late submissions accepted Programming envir... 继续阅读CS作业案例之Python Software Engineering 265 Software De
: 标签: :,2018-10-29
Level 3 The Level 3 requirements concentrate on being able to log in and out of the application and see a page customised for the user. To meet this level you must implement another... 继续阅读Level 3 web application Python CS
: 标签: :,2018-10-18
Level 1 For this level you must write a simple web application that generates two pages. You are given a set of requirements below, these are encoded in a set of tests ( ... 继续阅读Level 1 web application Python
: 标签: :,2018-10-06
Ninedraft project 3 Due Friday 31st May, 2019, 20:30 1. Introduction This project provides you the opportunity to apply concepts taught throughout the course to extend the... 继续阅读python案例 cs案例 GUI 游戏Minecraft & Terraria Ass
Collecting mutual fund information from N-SAR filing Sean Shin 2018.10.30 Purpose: collect mutual fund information from N-SAR filings from 2002 through 2015 to obtai... 继续阅读案例:案例CS之python案例Collecting mutual fund informati
Please submit one homework answer set for your group, along with individual versions of your code for each member of the team. Groups are expected to work together, but all individuals are expect... 继续阅读Finance案例之python 上机 EXAMINA
: 标签: :,2018-09-02