论文代写 留学生essay代写✔️各学科 英文论文代写
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Analyse the QCoast2100 program by answering the following questions;

  1. How does the QCoast2100 program improve resilience to the impacts of climate change?

  2. Which of the seven types of policy instruments identified by Althaus Bridgman and Davis in Topic 6 appear in the program and how are they used?

  3. Which of the four types of planning instruments in Topic 9 appear in the program and how are they used?

  4. What does the research literature say about the effectiveness of QCoast2100 and similar climate adaptation programs in terms of building resilience to the impacts of climate change?

NOTE: You should address all the questions above. Analysis is not just description, to evaluate the program you need to: demonstrate a thorough understanding of the QCoast2100 program; apply your knowledge of the policy and planning instruments to the program; utilise the on-line materials supplied for this course; find, use and cite 12 journal articles.

You should:

  • Start by studying Topics 5, 7, 9 & 10 including the on-line notes, essential readings, and case studies (make sure that you understand all the content).

  • Study, analyse, use and cite all relevant information on the QCoast2100 program website;

  • Study, use and cite Althaus, C., P. Bridgman & G. Davis. 2018. The Australian Policy Handbook. 6th edition. Allen & Unwin: Sydney. Chapter 6: Policy Instruments.

  • Study, use and cite Planning Institute of Australia (2012). Climate Change Unit. Chapter 6: Planning Adaptation.

  • Do a search of the academic literature relevant to these questions using academic databases (the Griffith Library Search engine and Google Scholar are useful) and limit your search to peer-reviewed academic journal articles.

  • Cite and use at least 12 peer reviewed academic journal articles from your search.

  • Avoid using unreliable on-line sources (such as Wikipedia, media reports, social media, or blogs, etc.).

  • Use the instructions on how to submit your assignment electronically and check feedback are in the Turnitin 

3) Writing Introductions

A good introduction should:

  1. Grab the attention of the reader;

  2. Clearly state the question to be answered or topic to be discussed;

  3. Tell the reader why this subject is important;

  4. Outline what the essay will cover and in what order; and,

  5. Summarise the argument to be made.


Pressure groups are sometimes portrayed as a dangerous and destabilising component of Australian politics. Such a view is often used as a basis for the curtailment of their democratic right to protest. This essay will analyse the purpose of pressure groups and the reasons why they form. The paper is divided into three main sections. Section one will explain the purpose of pressure groups. The second section will then consider why they form. Finally, the Wilderness Society (TWS) will be used as a case study to illustrate the general points made. It will be argued that far from being something to fear, pressure groups play a vital role in identifying urgent issues that the government needs to address.

4) Writing the Main Body of the Essay

Remember that the purpose of any assignment is to be read. It is an indication of your skills in research, analysis, communication and creative thinking. The following points are suggestions that might help you through the writing process.

Don’t just recount what others have said:

  • Use your understanding of climate change policy and planning to identify and analyse the relevant features of the program;

  • Construct an argument that answers the questions using the peer-reviewed academic journa articles from your database search as a support;

  • Don’t use too many quotations; and,

  • Don’t just link up quoted passages with a sentence or two.

Language & layout:

  • Use clear headings for each section;

  • Check the meaning of words before using them;

  • Avoid over-using colons, dashes & semi-colons;

  • Make sure you know the proper use of similar terms (e.g. their, there & they’re);

  • Each paragraph should cover one main point;

  • Paragraphs should flow on from each other; and,

  • Only include diagrams, tables or quotes if they are relevant.

5) Writing Conclusions

A good conclusion should:

  1. Draw together all the points raised;

  2. Not introduce new arguments that haven't appeared in the essay;

  3. Summarise the findings and restate the argument; and,

  4. When read together with the introduction provide an overall summary of the essay.


This essay has shown that the purpose of pressure groups is two-fold: first, to have their concerns or interests placed on the political agenda and, second, to elicit a supportive response from government. It has been demonstrated that pressure groups form when enough individuals become concerned about the apparent neglect of an issue or interest by government. TWS, for example, formed in response to the lack of adequate environmental protection in Tasmania. Such groups actually assist the operation of good government by putting urgent issues on the political agenda for action.

6) Referencing

Use the in-text APA7 referencing system as outlined in the Griffith University Library Referencing Tool at: https://app.secure.griffith.edu.au/reference_tool/index-core.php

Marks will be deducted if you do not use this system correctly.
