C/C++ 编程代写
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Task Description
The given data has been collected from a social media platform supergraph2048. You are tasked with writing program using the C programming language that will handle different queries and compute the correct result.

Some queries may require simple partitioning of data for each thread to operate on, while others may require strategy of dynamically partitioning data, checking the distribution of the data and synchroni- sation in order to efficiently process and eliminate redundant operations.

You can ask questions on Ed using the projects category. Please ensure that your work is your own and you do not share any code or solutions with other students.

Working on your project
You can work on this project using your own computers or the lab machines. Students can also take advantage of the online code editor on Ed. You will need to navigate to the assessments or workspaces page where you will be able to run, edit and submit your code from within your browser. However we recommend you write this code using your own computer or the lab machines.

It is important that you continually back up your project files onto your own machine, flash drives, external hard drives and cloud storage providers. You are encouraged to submit your project while you are in the process of completing it to receive feedback and to check for correctness of your solution.

Program structure
The social media platform is composed of two types of entities:

• Users

• Posts

Each user in the social network have a list of followers, other users they are following and posts. These collections are represented as an array of indices that relate to a user* or post* array.

struct user {
uint64_t user_id; //User id, is unique
size_t* followers_idxs; //User indices within user* users graph
size_t n_followers; //Number of followers
size_t* following_idxs; //User indices within user* users graph size_t n_following; //Number of users the user is following size_t* posts_idxs; //Post indices within post* posts graph size_t n_posts; // Number of posts a user has made.
typedef struct user user;

All user_id values within the users array will be unique. The lists: followers, following and posts are arranged by ascending order. In order of insertion.

struct post {
uint64_t pst_id; //Post id, is unique
size_t* reposted_idxs; //Reposted indices within the graph
size_t n_reposted; // Number of reposted posts.

typedef struct post post;

All pst_id values within the posts array will be unique. The posts array will not contain any cycles as for any reposts to exist depends on the existance of an original post.

For all queries you will need to return a heap allocated result structure: This structure stores all elements retrieved from the query as a heap allocated contiguous block of pointers and the number of elements. It will be used to determine if your result is correct.

struct result { void** elements; size_t n_elements;

typedef struct result result;

The entire social network structure is an array of users and an array of posts. Both elements contain links to each other as well as to themselves.

Your program will have opportunity to set up threads or processes to be utilised within your program. We will take into account the setup time required as a separate benchmark. Your program will need to be prepared to handle consecutive queries during its execution.

Given the following struct declaration:

struct query_helper {
int dummy_field;

typedef struct query_helper query_helper;

Your can declare any pointers or data that you may use in your query helper struct for your queries. If you do not wish to use this structure and instead create threads/processes during the query itself, you will need to leave the dummy_field in there.

query_helper* engine_setup(size_t n_processors)

You are given an empty definition of this function with your scaffold. You may modify this function for your own purposes. Once you have returned a query_helper object, it will be used in the rest of the queries.

After the program has finished executing queries, your helper will need to be cleaned up with the following function. You will need to dispose of any memory that you have allocated to this helper.

void engine_cleanup(query_helper* helper)


query_helper* helper = engine_setup(N_PROCESSORS);

find_all_reposts(posts, n_posts, post_id_1, helper); find_all_reposts(posts, n_posts, post_id_2, helper);


If your engine_setup function takes too long. Your program will be stopped by the automarking system.

Find all reposts (Query)
Given a post id, find all reposts of the given post (this can also be reposts of a repost and so on). The query should return an array of all reposts and originating post, within the result structure and n_elements is set appropriately. If no reposts have been made, then the query should return the post which the post id corresponds to.

If the post id does not exist in the set, your result structure elements should be NULL and n_elements is 0.

result* find_all_reposts(post* posts, size_t count,
uint64_t pst_id, query_helper* helper)

For ple:

find_all_reposts(posts, 18, 76, helper)

Find original post (Query)
Given a post id, your query will need to initially determine if the post is an original or a repost.  If   it is an original, your query will return the post. Otherwise, your query will search until it finds the original post. The query should only return one element which is the original post.

If the post id does not exist in the set, your result structure elements should be NULL and n_elements is 0.

result* find_original(post* posts, size_t count, uint64_t pst_id, query_helper* helper)

Starting from post id 85

Find the shortest path between two users (Query)
Given two users within the social network. Your query will need to find the shortest path between two users based on who they are following. We define outgoing edges as all users referred in the following_idxs property in the user struct. Incoming edges are defined as all users referred in the followers_idxs property in the user struct.

The shortest path is defined as the minimum number of edges to between a source and destination. Your query will need to consider that there may exist a shortest path between either:

• userA and userB, based on outgoing edges starting from userA

• userB and userA, based on outgoing edges starting from userB

In the event that your algorithm finds two or more shortest paths, Your query requires returning just one of them. Your query must return a result including all users (including of userA and userB) that compose the shortest path.

Your query must return NULL if the users specified in the query (userA and userB) are the same, or either userA or userB does not exist.

result* shortest_user_link(user* users, size_t count, uint64_t userA, uint64_t userB, query_helper* helper)

Each outgoing edge corresponds to an element in "following" for a user


Shortest Path from B to A

Shortest path is between B and A

Find all the robot accounts (Query)
A common problem in social networks is the proliferation of robots. These robots unfortunately can create a large amount of sway in the political climate. You are tasked with utilising heuristic data to classify and return all robots.

struct criteria {
float oc_threshold; float acc_rep_threshold; float bot_net_threshold;

typedef struct criteria criteria;

The criteria struct defines three floating point numbers which will be
