C/C++ 编程代写
当前位置:以往案例 > >案例C++英文题目:

 The lab must be accomplished solely by you:

 DO NOT look at anyone’s code other than your own, including code from another’s
student in your section or another section of the course, or any third party source, e.g.
the Internet
 DO NOT share or copy anyone else’s code for any graded project
 DO NOT work in pairs or groups
 All cases of academic misconduct will be reported to the Committee On Academic
Misconduct (COAM).
Setting up the Programming Environment
Effective commenting and tabbing will affect your grade. The “style” of your program should
follow the style of the sample programs in the lecture notes. Also see the ple code from Lab
#1. Your program should have the file name, your name, creation and last modification dates and
a brief description of the program in the comments. In addition, read the document on
“Commenting” found in the Content tab on Carmen under “Tutorials”.
1. At the Linux command line type mkdir lab12. This will create a new directory named
lab12. Work out of this directory. In order to do that, type cd lab12. This changes the
current working directory to the directory lab12.
2. If you have created the directory lab12, then just type cd lab12.
3. Copy the file triangles_template.cpp by typing
cp /class/cse1222/34462/lab12/triangles_template.cpp triangles.cpp
4. Copy the file triangles_solution.exe into the current directory.
cp /class/cse1222/34462/lab12/triangles_solution.exe .
Be sure to include the word 34462 (this is your course section indicator) and the period, “.”.
Programming project
Write a program that will represent an axis-aligned right triangle in the x-y plane as a Class. A
right triangle has a right angle (90-degree angle) and two sides adjacent to the right angle, called
legs. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right_triangle for a complete definition. In addition, an
axis-aligned right triangle has one leg parallel with the x-axis and the other leg parallel with the
y-axis. The location of the triangle is the vertex that connects the two legs, called the bottom left
vertex. This vertex is located at the right angle and represented with the Class Point. The length
CSE1222 – Autumn 2017
CSE1222 Lab 12 2
of the triangle is the length of the leg parallel with the x-axis. The height of the triangle is the
length of the leg parallel with the y-axis.
The procedure main() (see the code template triangles_template.cpp) has been written
for you as well as the member attributes of the Class Triangle. You will write code for the
member functions of the Class Triangle as indicated by the comments /* INSERT CODE HERE
Run triangles_solution.exe to see an ple of the program.
1. The function prototypes are provided for you and must NOT be changed in any way.
2. The get and set member functions of the class Point are already written for you.
3. The procedure main() is provided for you and must NOT be changed in any way.
4. Understand the class definitions for Point and Triangle.
5. Understand the algorithm in the procedure main().
6. Do NOT add more functions to the solution.
7. Each function should have a comment explaining what it does.
8. Each function parameter should have a comment explaining the parameter.
9. Write code by replacing every place /* INSERT CODE HERE */ appears with your solution.
10. Implement the get and set member functions for the class Triangle. Use the appropriate class
attributes of the class Triangle.
a. The location of the bottom left vertex is stored in the member attribute blPoint.
b. The top left vertex can be computed from blPoint and the height.
c. The bottom right vertex can be computed from blPoint and the length.
11. You may assume that the user will enter positive values for the length and height.
12. Implement the member function hypotenuse() of the class Triangle that computes the
hypotenuse of a triangle object. Use the Pythagorean Theorem to compute the length of the
side of the triangle opposite to the right angle. Use the appropriate class attribute(s) of the
class Triangle.
13. Implement the member function perimeter() of the class Triangle that computes the
perimeter of the triangle object. Sum all three sides of the triangle. Use the appropriate class
attribute(s) of the class Triangle and the member function hypotenuse().
14. Implement the member function scaleLength() of the class Triangle that computes the new
value of the length as the current length weighted by the scale factor in the x direction. For
ple, if the current length is 2 and the scale factor is 3, the new length is 6. If the current
length is 2 and the scale factor is 0.5, the new length is 1. You may assume that the scale
factor will be positive. Update the length class attribute of the class Triangle.
15. Implement the member function scaleHeight() of the class Triangle that computes the new
value of the height as the current height weighted by the scale factor in the y direction. You
may assume that the scale factor will be positive. Update the height class attribute of the
class Triangle.
16. Implement the member function display() of the class Triangle that displays all information
about the triangle. Use the appropriate class attributes and member functions of the class
Triangle. Important note, do not write redundant code.
CSE1222 – Autumn 2017
CSE1222 Lab 12 3
17. Implement the function read_triangle() that prompts and reads the location of the bottom
left vertex, length and height. These values are assigned into the class Triangle object passed
into the function using set member functions.
18. TEST YOUR CODE THOROUGHLY. For ple, pay close attention to the format of the
output including empty lines. Your program must not have a run-time error.
19. Be sure to add the header comments “File”, “Created by”, “Creation Date” and “Synopsis” at
the top of the file. Each synopsis should contain a brief description of what the program does.
20. Be sure that there is a comment documenting each variable.
21. Be sure that your if statements, for and while loops and blocks are properly indented.
22. Check your output against the output from the solution executables provided.
Submit Your Work
Important: Any program which does not compile and run will receive no credit!
If you are not sure what this means please ask your instructor.
Submit the file triangles.cpp using the Lab 12 drop box on Carmen. DO NOT submit the
file a.out. DO NOT submit uncompleted work from Quiz 11. This will not be graded.
