You can work on this project by connecting to the wrds cloud from Windows or by working directly in UNIX (see the Windows and the UNIX versions of my programs in Topic 2). In both cases, you will need to solve this project using both the standard PROCs in SAS and the PROC SQL (see the standard and the SQL versions of my programs in Lecture 2). You need to attach 2 programs at the end of your solution: the standard SAS program and the program that uses PROC SQL. However, you only need to provide one output with your answers. You do not need to multiply returns by 100 for this exercise.
(Download daily return and volume information for the following stocks:American Express Co. (ticker AXP), Chevron Corp (ticker CHV), United Technologies Corp. (ticker UTX), Caterpillar Inc. (ticker CAT), and McDonalds Corp. (ticker MCD). Extract the data for the time period July 1, 1986 to December 30, 2000. The dataset that you need is called dsf and it is located in the wrds library: /wrds/crsp/sasdata/a_stock. Report the average trading volume for each of these
You need to first identify the firm permno by accessing wrds via your browser. Then, you need to write your program in SAS.
Download index data for the same period. The dataset that you need is called dsix and is located in the wrds library: /wrds/crsp/sasdata/a_indexes. For each stock, compute the return in excess of the equally-weighted market return. The equally-weighted market return is stored in the variable ‘ewretd’. If we define Ritas the return on a stock i and Rmt the equally-weighted return on the market porfolio, then this excess return is:
Tit =Rit – Rmt
Compute the univariate statistics for the excess returns for each stock and include the printout with your answer. Which 2 stocks have heavier tails?
Remember to attach your 2 programs (the standard SAS program and the SQL version) at the end of your solutions.
SAS# project 2