Data (Pre-)Processing Coursework Description
Coursework Description
Data Description
Each student has access to two traffic data files in csv format, ‘rawpvr_2018-02-01_28d_1083 TueFri.csv’ ...
Date: 23 October 2018
Technical indicator is widely used to generate trading signals by practitioners to make trading decisions. The usual rule is to trade with the trend. In this ...
EF 5070: FinancialEconometrics
Problem Set 4: Mock Final
Due Dec 14th, 2018
Section A (40%)
Attempt ALL questions from this Section
1. (20 pts) Answer briefly the following quest...
Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management Case 2
Ada Lam is the founder and sole stockholder of AL Gifts, Co. Ltd., Ada is a recent divorcee and realizes that her finances may need to be rev...
BAO3403 Investment and Portfolio Management
Asia – Semester 3, 2018
CUFE, China
Group project
This is a group project which carries 30% of the assessment in this u...
project computer class Risk Theory 2017–2018; week 2
Bailey-Simon tariff method—optimization in R
image.png– an open source, community developed statistical com...
Due 9/28
1. Your task is to recreate the graphic from Gapminder, below. The data (countries.Rdata) was collected and modified from The World Bank Databank, and so your recreation may not ...
Gabriel Young 10/18/2018
The STAT GU4206/GR5206 Fall 2018 Midterm is open notes, open book(s), open computer and online resources are allowed. Students are not allowe...
Unit 2 – Part 2 – Worksheet
For part 2, you will be using this guided worksheet to analyze the data set provided. You will be required to submit both the worksheet (saved as a word document) w...
An Investment Linked to Commodity Futures
In November 1991, the Swedish Export Credit Corporation, an AAA credit, issued a three- year zero coupon note whose prospective returns were linked t...
Assessment Date: Tutorial Session on 9 October 2018 (No later than 9 October) Submission Due Date: 11.59PM, 12 October 2018 (No late submission is allowed) What to Submit: Zipped source code with...
Topics: Data Exploration and Visualization
A note about submissions: Unlike Olympic figure skating and ski jumping, AD699 does not award style points. There are some fancy tools within R for ...
1. Visualization Design (50/100)
In this part, you will find, analyze and visualize a quantitative dataset from Internet, discuss the visualization results, and address some questions. Please...
Multi-Armed Bandit
1. Introduction
Slot machines are the most common equipment in casinos. Assuming there are multiple “arms” you can pull, and each arm will give a return or loss back to you....
1) 自动混合检验 AQ (automatic p
Presentation of your project is marked.
Show all R code or calculation used to answer the questions in your report.
Question 1:
A researcher has conducted an experiment to compar...
Presentation of your project is marked.
Show all R code or calculation used to answer the questions in your report.
Question 1:
A researcher has conducted an experiment to com...
If the user inputs an invalid command your program must output:
No menu item
Level File
The level file will contain data related to the game such as the planet’s dimen...
The goal of this project is to generate a "Word Cloud" for Chinese text.
What is a word cloud? Basically, it is an image displaying the most important components from a text. In English, a wo...
PART II – Strategy Design(60 points)
Problem Description: Consider the daily stock price for Back of America (BAC) from August 21, 2009 to August 20, 2010 in the file sp500hst.txt. In this problem...
project 2 for 2018
– This project is worth 20% of your overall marks for this course (for all students, enrolled in STAT2008, STAT4038 or STAT6038).
– If you w...
Econometrics – Spring 2018
Problem Set 5
This project is due on Tuesday, the 24th of April in class. A hard copy has to be handed in
before your lecture begins.
Question 1
Your solutions should be your own work and are to be handed in by yourself to the
Statistical Science Departmental Office b...
Systems Programming
project 3 – Improving a Shell
Due date 11:59pm – Wednesday Week 13.
在此这个案例c语言中,您应该采用shell程序的现有实现并添加一些小的改进,在开始案例c语言的时候,Improving a Shell是本次案例c语言的主题。
Preparation – Do...
3 : Compiling Simple Expressions to P–Code
The task of this project is to implement a compiler that can evaluate simple arithmetic expressions. The focus is on the code gen- eration...
For Question 1, please download the file, and work with the existing code as instructed in the question.
To submit the , please create a Zip file with the respective answers, labelled by Question ...
Deadline for Submission to SurreyLearn: 4:00pm, Tuesday 4th December 2018
Silhouettes contain much of the shape information necessary to recognise simple objects. For this reas...
On successful completion of this assessment package a student will have demonstrated competence in the following areas:
[LO 1] Apply concepts of advanced software development and programming ...
In this project, you will work toward developing a program C calledtime_calcwhich is a simple, interactive time converter and calculator. The functionality of the program is described ...
The purpose of this project is to become more familiar with the concepts of process control and sig- nalling. You’ll do this by writing a simple Unix shell program that supports jo...
1 Introduction
In this programming project you will be writing a dynamic storage allocator for C programs, i.e., your own version of the malloc, free and realloc routines. You are encouraged ...
Lab Objective: The objective of this week’s lab is to consider a matrix compression pro- gram. Matrices are used in a huge variety of computer applications and a key issue is the space they consu...
Lab 3
Submit two files:
· Create your Lab 3 document — readme (doc or pdf) including the disclosure form, screenshot(s) of your output, your solution code (filename including full path and y...
Lab 2
Submit two files:
· Create your Lab 2 document (doc or pdf) including the disclosure form, screenshot(s) of your output, your solution code (filename and your own code, not Nachos orig...
Download Nachos.tar from the blackboard and unpack it. Answer all of the following questions by ining the Nachos code (all sub-directories of code directory).
(1) (5pts) What are the possib...
This project aims to give you some experience with C programming.
Important Notes:
· There are subtle differences between various C compilers. We will use the GNU compiler gcc on login.cs...
1. Individual work
All work is individual. You may discuss ideas, approaches and problems, but you should write every line of code yourself except for code copied from the lecture notes, lectur...
This project aims to give you some experience with C programming and to help you gain better understanding of the instruction format of LC‐3.
Important Notes:
· There are subtle dif...
In this project, you will create 3 different implementations of the “Tic- Tac-Toe” game in 3 tasks:
1D Implementation – a simple implementation of the game for two players using only ’X’-es. ...
Linked List
Communication Between Towers
● Create, traverse, add, and delete nodes in a linked-list
Communication between towers
In the Lord of the Rin...
1 TaskDescription
You are asked to use C++ toimplement
• Hash table with linearprobing
2 SubmissionGuideline
You must follow this guideline! Your submission will be marked automatical...
• Include simple comments in the code
• If applicable, split the code over several functions
• Extensively test your code and impove it
• Write a single README file per project
This document specifies the requirements for the first project of the Software Development with C++ course, SP5 2018. This project will develop your skills by allowing you to put i...
Cameras traditionally capture a two dimensional projection of a scene. However depth information is important for many real-world application including robotic navigation, face recognit...
In this project you will demonstrate your understanding of arrays, strings, and functions. You may also use typedefs and structs if you wish (see Chapter 8) – and will probably find the program e...
Ah, the Donald. Everyone’s favourite President. A modern politician who shares his, um, ‘thoughts’ with us each day via Twitter. You could follow his thoughts too (@realdonaldtrum...
1 General Instructions
All submissions for the practical projects should be under version control. Submission procedure remains the same with the first practical project.
The directory unde...
An adult (the gameOfficial) lets some number of children take turns hitting a pinata. With probability 1/20 (as computed by a pinata process) the pinata will bust, and the winning child ...
(a) To review and strengthen concepts about linked lists through an application development.
(b) To review techniques...
Problem Description
Write a C++ program to grade multiple-choice, including True/False, questions for an given in a class. A class may have one or more sections. The answer keys are the same f...
CPSC 213 – project 9
IO, Asynchrony and Threads
After a 24-hour grace period, late projects will only be accepted in extenuating circumstances with documentation.
The goal of ...
1 Changelog
2 General information
3 Introduction
4 Programming exercises
1 Changelog
v1: First publication
2 General information
Due before 11:59 PM, Thursday May 31th, ...
1. Purpose
The purpose of this exercise is to make the students familiar with:
(1) the array based implementation of stack;
(2) the linked list based implementation of stack;
(3) ...
1. Purpose
The purpose of this exercise is to make the students familiar with:
(1) the implementation of basic operations of singly linked list;
(2) the basic application of singly link...
1. Purpose
The purpose of this exercise is to make the students familiar with:
(1) the implementation of basic operations of sequential list;
(2) the basic application of sequential lis...
Task Description
The given data has been collected from a social media platform supergraph2048. You are tasked with writing program using the C programming language that will handle different que...
1 Task Description
You are asked to use C++ to implement
Hash table with linear probing
2 Submission Guideline
You must follow this guideline! Your submission will be marked a...
1 Objective
• Understanding how a job scheduler works.
• Increasing experience with system calls.
• Learning UNIX signals and controlling methods of signals
2 Introduction
This p...
project #2
Simple hotel management system
Function description:
1. Rooms are divided into four categories, standard rooms, business suites, hourly rate rooms and special discount housings. A...
1. Purpose
1) Grasp the concept of file, buffer file system and file structure pointer.
2) Grasp the specific steps of document operation.
3) Learning how to use files to ope...
CS272: Prob. Models for AI Fall 2018
Problem Set 4
Due Sunday February 4, 2018 at 11:55pm
Problem 1. [3 pts] Exercise 9.3 from the book.
Problem 2. [8 pts]
Using the factor code ...
This project requires submitting both written answers and code. All written answers should be submitted in a PDF file named hw7.pdf. Each individual question specifies the submission guid...
This project requires submitting both written answers and code. All written answers should be submitted in a PDF file named hw7.pdf. Each individual question specifies the submission guid...
You are a member of a team developing a mars rover. Your job is to develop the path-finding system and it is crucially important that you minimise energy consumption. Given a digita...
The final project is an open style one. It is designed to stimulate your creativity and encourage you to explore algorithms and data structures that you are personally interested in. ...
Project ve will introduce you to POSIX synchronization primitives. You will rst x your code from homework four using the correct synchronization primitive. Now the correct output ...
(MUST be submitted through ICE so that the TAs can run your programs during marking.) Make sure your name and ID are printed on the cover page of your report.
Assessment Overview
CQUPT CSI 311. Spring 2018. project 2 – BNF
Due: EOD before Discussion 4.
Your submission should be in the form of MS Word file (MAC users need to save a document created in Pages as a MS ...
This project is worth 10% of your final mark. It is an individual project; no group work.
Late submissions policy
No late submissions are allowed.
Programming languages
Your impleme...
Analyze the performance of Google PageRank algorithm
“d”是一个阻尼因子,通常在0.85左右,这意味着用户在点击了一系列链接后将停止冲浪。您将使用迭代算法来找到以下问题的解决方案: 上述递推方程。在该算法中,我们从顶点的一些初始秩值开始,然后用上述方程迭代修正它们。
1 Overview & Learning Objectives
In this program you will implement a priority queue with an underlying binary heap implementation. There are multiple objectives of this project:
1. str...
In this project you will implement a small part of a text search engine: using an existing inverted file index for a multi-word query to find the top-matching documents in a large do...
In this project you will implement a small part of a text search engine: using an existing inverted le index for a multi-word query to nd the top-matching documents in a large ...
The goal of this is to practice the builder pattern and visitor pattern. In the lecture, you are given an ple of parsing a string of a binary expression using the builder patter. In that pl...
(MUST be submitted through ICE so that the TAs can run your programs during marking.) Make sure your name and ID are printed on the cover page of your report.
Assessment Overview
The purpose of these sample questions is to prepare you for success on the midterm . These questions have been used on previous s in this course, and represent the range of difficulty and dept...
Answers to homework questions are discussed in the Sunday online session.
Answers to these four questions are due at 6pm, Thursday 15 Feb 2018. One point per question.
1. Simulate...
Purpose: This project has several goals:
1. This is a relatively simple project, meant to get you back into programming after the semester break.
2. Make sure you can edit/compile/...
where n is the number of nodes in the tour.
Miroslava works for a computer security company and it is time to renew a shared cryptographic key in many data centres across Europe. To do thi...
① 班级按项目进行分组,每个小组选定小组长,确定实训项目名称;
② 根据各个小组项目,进行数据库设计,用文件进行数据库实现,并录入数据。
③ 确定本项目的实体(类),以及它们间的相互关系;进行小组成员分工。
④ 确定各个小组所要处理的简易业务;初步确定所要使用的数据结构。
A. Radix Sort
Given a sequence of numbers separated by commas, you are required to sort them by radix sort. Output the step results of each pass.
2 line
the first lin...
Within this task classes shall be practised using as ple the collection of news items for a news broadcast.
Correspondents contribute news items for the country they are in charge of.
Each broadca...
project Overview
This project focuses on process management within an operating system, including processor scheduling. You will design and implement the C/C++ program which is described belo...
In order to maintain the apprehension and disquiet of Halloween Dr. Evil has distributed digital bombs across the iLabs. Thankfully, Evil's Doctorate is in the Fine and Performing Arts, not Compu...
The study of chemical reactors is an important part of Chemical Engineering. The transient response of a chemical reactor is the change in the concentration of a chemical substance in the reactor...
Files NOT to handin to cs60 p5 are: EvacRunner.cpp, CPUTimer.h,
Minimum files to handin to cs60 p5 are: Makefile, evac.h, evac.cpp, authors.csv. Executable name: evac.out
You are to wri...
The study of chemical reactors is an important part of Chemical Engineering. The transient response of a chemical reactor is the change in the concentration of a chemical substance in the reacto...
Part 1 – A Basic Memory Management System
The aim of Part 1 is to implement a simple, first-fit dynamic memory management policy on an allocatable region of memory, M1. The idea is to write two rout...
Description: In this final project, you will be implementing a game or interactive demonstration thatintegrates one or more additional capabilities of your choice into the...
Submission Deadline: You will receive a mark only for the codes that are demonstrated in front of a TA by the end of the lab. Additionally, you have to submit on Avenue a text le (with extension...
For this project, you are to augment your code from project 2 to solve the minimal Vertex Cover problem for the input graph. Your approach is based on a polynomial time reduction to CNF- SAT, and u...
“C” Option (WARNING: Only the FindCustomerRecursive method is recursive!):
You may use Ada, C++, assembly or Java. If you desire to use another language ask for permission. Implement the foll...
1. Introduction
In this project, you are going to implement a single cycle CPU simulator called MiniCPU using C language. Your MiniCPU will demonstrate some functions of MIPS processors as w...
The lab must be accomplished solely by you:
DO NOT look at anyone’s code other than your own, including code from another’s
student in your section or another section of the course, or an...
CSCI851 Advanced Programming
Fall 2017
project 1 (Worth 10%)
Due 11:55pm Monday 6st November 2017.
This project is to be implemented using procedural programming. Th...
Extend your previous program to provide additional functionality as follows:
Step (1)
Modify your program to use an array of structs, which will replace the parallel arrays, like this:
Important Notes
• Handins:
– The deadline for submission of your project is 9pm the 13th of Sept, 2017.
– For undergraduate students, you may do this project as a team of two stu-dent...
In this project, you will create a graphical real-time strategy g...
1. Support multiline comments.
Supportadditional tokens (reserved words, operators, and separators).
Support long and double
In this project, you will only be updating the hand-cra...
AssertJ is currently one of the most popular Java projects on Github (that are Maven- buildable). It is a relatively large system, comprising of the order of tens of thousands of lines of cod...
Institute of Technology, University of Washington Tacoma TCSS305 – Programming Practicum
You will submit your code for this project in 2 separate milestone phas...
This project consists of programming and written work. Solutions should be a complete working Java program including your original work or cited contributions from other sources. These files sh...
• Implement an AVL tree stored in a random access file
• Each node contains an integer key, one or more fixed length character strings, a left child reference, a right child reference and a h...
There are ten labs total in the course (C)CPS 209 Computer Science II taught by Ilkka Kokkarinen during the Spring 2018 term. The same ten labs are used in the daytime science transition program...
CSC 220 Data Structures 06
Basic Instructions:
1. In every file submitted you MUST place the following comments:
a. project #.
b. File Name.
c. Full name
2. Each student is re...
An enterprise resource planning application that will handle: (in US [5 Regions], 3 countries, and center around the consumer (electric toothbrush manufacturing – quip)
Course (catalog) description: Instruction set design. Piplelined data path and control. Cache and memory system design Input/output subsystems. Software/hardware interactions. Parallel processing.
Create a program that prompts for a student's name and student ID#.
Program will
– add name and id to a file
– continually prompt and add until user chooses to end adding names
– ha...
CPS 350: project 4
Two weeks, 100 pts
This is NOT a team project. No late submission will be accepted.
Receive 5 bonus points if turn in the complete work without errors at least one da...
For this project you will explore how to apply the object-oriented design ideas you learned in class to design and implement the chess game.
You will work in pairs on this project. Read the...
Lab 10: Practicing Recursive Functions
Learning Objectives: The objective of this lab is to gain experience with writing recursive functions.
project: Write in Java programming language f...
1 Overview
In this project, you will implement a complete graphical Map editor, in a class called MapEditor, that permits editing of maps and simple trip planning. The map that you display wi...
OS Project – Java Shell Interface, v0.7b
Objective: Implement a shell program in Java that accepts user commands and executes each command in a separate JVM process. This project is based on a ...
1. Support multiline comments.
2. Support additional tokens (reserved words, operators, and separators).
3. Support long and double literals.
In this project...
Part 1:
You are a programming intern at the student transfer counselor's office. Having heard you are taking CS 55, your boss has come to ask for your help with a task.
Students often come to as...
1 Introduction
Thisprojectwilltakesignificanttimetoimplement.Youcannotfinishitinasingle nightorweekend!Youwillneedtoplanyourtimecarefullyandworkoneachbitasthe topic iscovered.
Your task is to...
Your task is to complete the implementation of a 3D world. In this world you control a camera moving around a landscape which includes trees, hills and roads.
The starter code is ...
Inventory Management System
This project is due by 10:00 pm Friday of Week 7 (7th September, 2018). It is worth a total of 15% of the marks for your final assessm...
Or other technology.
1.This system is designed to help teachers and students teaching the algorithm on the learning algorithm.
2.the system should achieve basic funct...
Problem Description
Design and code an appointments diary in Java.
You must design and code an appointment diary using Java. This is like a form of calendar, with events (appointments) th...
Program 1: Scavenger Hunt Goal
In your first program project, your task is to navigate a jeroo located on "Long Island":
Your jeroo should start at location (2, 2), facing eas...
1. Consider the following definition of class MyClass
class MyClass
private String A;
private char B;
private int C;
private double D;
a. Create a default...
project # 2
Can be solved individually or in groups of 2 students
Create a zip file containing the required deliverables with all files containing the students names and numbers ( one submis...
· Please follow both the "Programming Standards" and "project Guidelines" for all work you submit. Programming standards 1-22 are in effect, but see also the notes at the bottom of this proj...
Mini Project
Your task is to write a basic maths teacher program with a graphical user interface (GUI). This will be called MathTeacher. The application will be used by young children to ...
Implementing Sets with binary search trees
Goals for this project
• Learn about the implementation of Sets using binary search trees, both unbalanced and
• Implement me...
Some of these questions will be must be handed in for assessment by the end of April 30th. Detailed submission instructions will be added in due course.
Please check ba...
This standard defines how your code should be styled for projects and projects while studying here in the department. By following these conventions, you will produce code which ...
The ZINC Programming Language
COSC 4316, Spring 2018
ZINC (for ZINC Is Not C) is a language that is similar to Ada. It is designed to provide you the experience writing a comp...
In this project, you will create a graphical real-time strategy game in the Java programming language, continuing from your work in Project 1. We will provide a full working solution for...
1. Support multiline comments.
Supportadditional tokens (reserved words, operators, and separators).
Support long and double
In this project, you will only be updating the hand-cra...
1 Overview
AssertJ is currently one of the most popular Java projects on Github (that are Maven- buildable). It is a relatively large system, comprising of the order of tens of thousands of...
You will submit your code for this project in 2 separate milestone phases.
· (View – initial incomplete version)(6%):
Milestone B Sophisticated multi-game GUI with all features c...
This project consists of programming and written work. Solutions should be a complete working Java program including your original work or cited contributions from other source...
• Implement an AVL tree stored in a random access file
• Each node contains an integer key, one or more fixed length character strings, a left child reference, a rig...
(C)CPS 209 Labs, Spring 2018
There are ten labs total in the course (C)CPS 209 Computer Science II taught by Ilkka Kokkarinen during the Spring 2018 term. The same ten labs are used in the daytime...
Basic Instructions:
1. In every file submitted you MUST place the following comments:
a. project #.
b. File Name.
c. Full name
2. Each student is required to submit the project ...
An enterprise resource planning application that will handle: (in US [5 Regions], 3 countries, and center around the consumer (electric toothbrush manufacturing – quip)
– HR...
Course (catalog) description: Instruction set design. Piplelined data path and control. Cache and memory system design Input/output subsystems. Software/hardware interactions. Parallel processing.
Create a program that prompts for a student's name and student ID#.
Program will
– add name and id to a file
– continually prompt and add until user chooses to end adding names
– have ...
1. Purpose
The purpose of this project is to implement priority queues.
2. Description
2.1. Implementation (40 points for 3-Heap, 50 points for d-way Heap)
Your main task is to impleme...
For this project you will explore how to apply the object-oriented design ideas you learned in class to design and implement the chess game.
You will work in pairs on this project. Read the...
Learning Objectives: The objective of this lab is to gain experience with writing recursive functions.
Assignment: Write in Java programming language for the following recursive functions (...
1 Overview
In this assignment, you will implement a complete graphical Map editor, in a class called MapEditor, that permits editing of maps and simple trip planning....
OS Project – Java Shell Interface, v0.7b
Objective: Implement a shell program in Java that accepts user commands and executes each command in a separate JVM process. This assignment is based on...
1. Support multiline comments.
2. Support additional tokens (reserved words, operators, and separators).
3. Support long and double literals.
In this project...
Part 1:
You are a programming intern at the student transfer counselor's office. Having heard you are taking CS 55, your boss has come to ask for your help with a task.
Students often come to as...
All of you are familiar with writing programs in one or more assembly languages. But you may not have really considered how an assembler works when it translates an assembly language program int...
Problem Description:
Write a recursive descent compiler for the following grammar:
Your lexical analyzer should be hand-coded for this assignment; that is, you will not...
In this assignment, you will implement the Huffman encoding of English characters, using a combined list and binary tree data structure. The method should have the following signature:
Your task consists of three parts:
Server: The game server manages the gameplay and connection to the WebFrontend. Its main task is to check for correctness and to calculate and deliver the new game...
The summative assessment for this module will consist of ONE Java based project, and ONE written assign-ment. The aim of this coursework is to implement a distributed system for a...
This is your final 5-day take home project for Advanced Computer Systems, block 2, 2017/2018. This project is due via Digital project on January 22, 2018, 23:59. The project will be evaluated on th...
0 General Requirements
The project has been made to demonstrate that students do understand the principles of Image Processing.
Use Java OpenCV or any other Java ...
CS4028: E-Business Architectures Project 2 (Individual Project) (40%)作业2
You are required to develop an application using HTML/CSS/JavaScript and jQuery that will allow the user to repeatedly pl...
XX 公司员工出勤管理系统
1 Introduction
Thisprojectwilltakesignificanttimetoimplement.Youcannotfinishitinasingle nightorweekend!Youwillneedtoplanyourtimecarefullyandworkoneachbitasthe topic iscovered.
Your task is to ...
Your task is to complete the implementation of a 3D world. In this world you control a camera moving around a landscape which includes trees, hills and roads.
The starter code is ...
Inventory Management System
This project is due by 10:00 pm Friday of Week 7 (7th September, 2018). It is worth a total of 15% of the marks for your final asses...
The Essay is an ALTERNATIVE to the business submission. DO NOT do both. Choose ONE of the following essay questions. Answers, with minimum 2,000 words, can use examples from any country to illust...
You are working with a research team who are trying to understand risk factors and causes of cardiovascular disease. They have completed a cohort study in which they have collected information at b...
With the rapid development of Internet technology, personal customization services have been widely used in television programs, music recommendation, e-commerce, etc, which has made the recommen...
Dice Game: A player rolls two dice, each having six sides. Each side has a number from 1 to 6. The sum of the 2 dice is the roll total. If a player rolls the dice and gets a roll total of...
1. Allen, Baker, Cabot, and Dean are to speak at a dinner. They will draw lots to determine the order in which they will speak. Please answer the following questions:
Problem Description
Design and code an appointments diary in Java.
You must design and code an appointment diary using Java. This is like a form of calendar, with events (appointments) th...
Program 1: Scavenger Hunt Goal
In your first program project, your task is to navigate a jeroo located on "Long Island":
Your jeroo should start at location (2, 2), facing east,...
A Web proxy is a program that acts as a middleman between a Web browser and anend server. Instead of contacting the end server directly to get a Web page, the browser contacts the proxy, which forw...
Implement the following files using separate compilation:
Your submission must automatically compile from the makefile.
Remove any refences to using namespace std from you...
1. Consider the following definition of class MyClass
class MyClass
private String A;
private char B;
private int C;
private double D;
a. Create a default constructor as...
1. Extend your P9 program so that it displays a map showing locations of Twitter tweets matching user-specific search terms. The program should:
have a GUI that enables the user to enter a locat...
Software testing comes along with the production of software. Early software development processes were small and complex. Now the software and IT industry has entered a big developmen...
Q1) Creating the stack classes
You are required to write your own generic stack implementation in Java that you will use in questions 2 and 3. (30 marks)
a. Create a stack interface S...
1. Do an Ad Hoc Information Retrieval task using TF-IDF weights and cosine similarity scores. Vectors
should be based on all the words in the query, after removing the members of a list of stop words...
Autonomous road vehicles and advanced driver assistance systems are fast becoming a reality. Computer Vision is increasingly being used to allow such vehicles to understand the road envi...
Proxy Lab: Writing a Sequential Caching web Proxy
1 Introduction
A Web proxy is a program that acts as a middleman between a Web browser and anend server. Instead of contacting the end server dire...
This project is primarily concerned with applying the ideas that are being presented in the module on methods and technologies for Mobile Computing. Some of the basic algorithms needed for it have alr...
· Please follow both the "Programming Standards" and "project Guidelines" for all work you submit. Programming standards 1-22 are in effect, but see also the notes at the bottom of this pro...
The scientific goal is to determine which mutations of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV-1) are associated with drug resistance. The data set, publicly available from the Stanford HIV Drug ...
Implement the following files using separate compilation:
MyArray.h you.cpp you.h Instructor.cpp Instructor.h Course.cpp Course.h driver.cpp makefile
Your submission must automatically...
Mini Project
Your task is to write a basic maths teacher program with a graphical user interface (GUI). This will be called MathTeacher. The application will be used by young children to ...
Some of these questions will be must be handed in for assessment by the end of April 30th. Detailed submission instructions will be added in due course.
Please c...
This standard defines how your code should be styled for assignments and projects while studying here in the department. By following these conventions, you will...
ZINC (for ZINC Is Not C) is a language that is similar to Ada. It is designed to provide you the experience writing a compiler without getting burdened by all of the complexities a...
In this project, you will design and implement a standard Turing Machine (TM) that simulates MDFAs, where MDFA means Modified DFA that can have 0 transition during a timefr...
String Test Study Guide
All those things that you need to know before the Strings test in AP Computer Science.
Because of this new rule, be sure you know how to use the BlueJ ...
Recycling and waste management basically includes the waste materials that will be marked as recyclable and transferred to the waste facilities, which was designated in the waste disposal containers a...
All of you are familiar with writing programs in one or more assembly languages. But you may not have really considered how an assembler works when it translates an assembly language program into ...
Due to the U.S.Prohibition of alcohol,the Great Depression and the publication of the Great Gatsby,the decade of corruption is a good title for the 1920s.
Problem Description:
Write a recursive descent compiler for the following grammar:
Your lexical analyzer should be hand-coded for this project; that is, you will not us...
EECS 233 Programming project #2
Due March 8, 2018 (before 11:59pm EST)
In this project, you will implement the Huffman encoding of English characters, using a combined list and binary tree d...
When you have just started to learn the art of paper writing, it is hard to know where to start. Writing papers for your instructor or your school can be time consuming
What to pay attention to wh...
In 1860,Lincoln was elected the 16th president of the United States.He successfully kept the country together,which was extremely difficult due to the ideological divide on the slavery issue.The great...
February 14th is an important day for lovers. When this day most people will buy roses and chocolates give to the person they like. We called this day Valentines Day. Valentine’s Day is from Europe. H...
Your task consists of three parts:
Server: The game server manages the gameplay and connection to the WebFrontend. Its main task is to check for correctness and to calculate and deliver the ...
JAVA Tank Game 课题要求
1)游戏有2个玩家,通(space)过网络socket通信。玩家通过↑,↓,←,→1s控制飞机的上下左右移动,通过空格 控制飞机射击,射击最短间隔为 。
2)游戏至少包含10 架敌方飞机,分为普通飞机、加强飞机和自杀式飞机。普
First, the purpose and requirements of the experiment:
Objective: to write a small Java chat room system and master the advanced application programming skills of Java network communi...
The libraries of SmallTownX need a new electronic rental system, and it is up to you to build it. SmallTownX has two libraries. Each library offers many books to rent. Customers can...
0 PartA
For each function f from the following list of functions, determine which g makes f(n) is O(g(n)) true1 The point of representing a function in this form is to create the simplest pos...
excel 分别替换 每一行的相同内容的小工具
环境:,需要可以在win上运行也可以在mac上运行,至少A列单词列和A列第一行的内容:D列第一行的内容:can you
我想把A1一模一样的 I ? you
以此类推,do 的话,把 do 全部替换成?,每一行替换的内容都不一样。直到把D列的每一行都替换完成
The summative assessment for this module will consist of ONE Java based project, and ONE written assign-ment. The aim of this coursework is to implement a distributed sys...
Advanced Computer Systems (ACS), 2017/2018
This is your final 5-day take home project for Advanced Computer Systems, block 2, 2017/2018. This project is due via Digital project on January 22, 20...
0 General Requirements
The project has been made to demonstrate that students do understand the principles of Image Processing.
Use Java OpenCV or any othe...
You are required to develop an application using HTML/CSS/JavaScript and jQuery that will allow the user to repeatedly play the game of BINGO-75. The game begins by displaying a gri...
XX 公司员工出勤管理系统
public Image turnLeft()
public Image turnRight()
public Image moveForwards()
Problem Statement:
You need to design and Implement an Algorithm is Java to perform the following. . Addition and Multiplication of the arrays.. Below is the statement multiplying 2 ...
In this project, you create a text-menu-driven program that reads text files and manipulates the input as directed by the user via the text menu. In addition, the program will both display the mo...
There are five tasks. Each task is worth 20 points. The assessment contributes
15% to your final grade on this module.
Each task should be in its own Class. See important notes on submission
·Develop a set of servlets and JSP pages that demonstrate:
·Facility with netbeans as a development environment
·Scriplet code in a JSP page
·Business logic in a servlet
·Request dispatchin...
1.Standard telephone keypads contain the digits zero through nine. The numbers two through nine each have 3~4 letters (case insensitive) associated with them. Many people find i...
Network Programming
Final project dr inż. Radosław Wajman
UDP/TCP transmission speed tester
Aim of the work:
The aim of this work is to implement the client-server computer p...
This semester you have a single project topic in two parts (Part A and B)
project Part A (15%) due 9:00AM Mon. 4th Sept 2017...
JAVA Tank Game 课题要求
1)游戏有2个玩家,通(space)过网络socket通信。玩家通过↑,↓,←,→1s控制飞机的上下左右移动,通过空格 控制飞机射击,射击最短间隔为 。
2)游戏至少包含10 架敌方飞机,分为普通飞机、加强飞机和自杀式飞机。普