Data (Pre-)Processing Coursework Description
Coursework Description
Data Description
Each student has access to two traffic data files in csv format, ‘rawpvr_2018-02-01_28d_1083 TueFri.csv’ ...
Date: 23 October 2018
Technical indicator is widely used to generate trading signals by practitioners to make trading decisions. The usual rule is to trade with the trend. In this ...
EF 5070: FinancialEconometrics
Problem Set 4: Mock Final
Due Dec 14th, 2018
Section A (40%)
Attempt ALL questions from this Section
1. (20 pts) Answer briefly the following quest...
BAO3403 Investment and Portfolio Management
Asia – Semester 3, 2018
CUFE, China
Group project
This is a group project which carries 30% of the assessment in this u...
project computer class Risk Theory 2017–2018; week 2
Bailey-Simon tariff method—optimization in R
image.png– an open source, community developed statistical com...
Deadline for Submission to SurreyLearn: 4:00pm, Tuesday 4th December 2018
Silhouettes contain much of the shape information necessary to recognise simple objects. For this reas...
Lab Objective: The objective of this week’s lab is to consider a matrix compression pro- gram. Matrices are used in a huge variety of computer applications and a key issue is the space they consu...
Lab 3
Submit two files:
· Create your Lab 3 document — readme (doc or pdf) including the disclosure form, screenshot(s) of your output, your solution code (filename including full path and y...
Lab 2
Submit two files:
· Create your Lab 2 document (doc or pdf) including the disclosure form, screenshot(s) of your output, your solution code (filename and your own code, not Nachos orig...
This project aims to give you some experience with C programming.
Important Notes:
· There are subtle differences between various C compilers. We will use the GNU compiler gcc on login.cs...
1. Individual work
All work is individual. You may discuss ideas, approaches and problems, but you should write every line of code yourself except for code copied from the lecture notes, lectur...
This project aims to give you some experience with C programming and to help you gain better understanding of the instruction format of LC‐3.
Important Notes:
· There are subtle dif...
Linked List
Communication Between Towers
● Create, traverse, add, and delete nodes in a linked-list
Communication between towers
In the Lord of the Rin...
In this project, you will create a graphical real-time strategy g...
1. Support multiline comments.
Supportadditional tokens (reserved words, operators, and separators).
Support long and double
In this project, you will only be updating the hand-cra...
Institute of Technology, University of Washington Tacoma TCSS305 – Programming Practicum
You will submit your code for this project in 2 separate milestone phas...
This project consists of programming and written work. Solutions should be a complete working Java program including your original work or cited contributions from other sources. These files sh...
• Implement an AVL tree stored in a random access file
• Each node contains an integer key, one or more fixed length character strings, a left child reference, a right child reference and a h...
There are ten labs total in the course (C)CPS 209 Computer Science II taught by Ilkka Kokkarinen during the Spring 2018 term. The same ten labs are used in the daytime science transition program...
CSC 220 Data Structures 06
Basic Instructions:
1. In every file submitted you MUST place the following comments:
a. project #.
b. File Name.
c. Full name
2. Each student is re...
Course (catalog) description: Instruction set design. Piplelined data path and control. Cache and memory system design Input/output subsystems. Software/hardware interactions. Parallel processing.
Create a program that prompts for a student's name and student ID#.
Program will
– add name and id to a file
– continually prompt and add until user chooses to end adding names
– ha...
For this project you will explore how to apply the object-oriented design ideas you learned in class to design and implement the chess game.
You will work in pairs on this project. Read the...
OS Project – Java Shell Interface, v0.7b
Objective: Implement a shell program in Java that accepts user commands and executes each command in a separate JVM process. This project is based on a ...
1 Introduction
Thisprojectwilltakesignificanttimetoimplement.Youcannotfinishitinasingle nightorweekend!Youwillneedtoplanyourtimecarefullyandworkoneachbitasthe topic iscovered.
Your task is to...
In this project, you will create a graphical real-time strategy game in the Java programming language, continuing from your work in Project 1. We will provide a full working solution for...
1. Support multiline comments.
Supportadditional tokens (reserved words, operators, and separators).
Support long and double
In this project, you will only be updating the hand-cra...
You will submit your code for this project in 2 separate milestone phases.
· (View – initial incomplete version)(6%):
Milestone B Sophisticated multi-game GUI with all features c...
This project consists of programming and written work. Solutions should be a complete working Java program including your original work or cited contributions from other source...
• Implement an AVL tree stored in a random access file
• Each node contains an integer key, one or more fixed length character strings, a left child reference, a rig...
(C)CPS 209 Labs, Spring 2018
There are ten labs total in the course (C)CPS 209 Computer Science II taught by Ilkka Kokkarinen during the Spring 2018 term. The same ten labs are used in the daytime...
Basic Instructions:
1. In every file submitted you MUST place the following comments:
a. project #.
b. File Name.
c. Full name
2. Each student is required to submit the project ...
Course (catalog) description: Instruction set design. Piplelined data path and control. Cache and memory system design Input/output subsystems. Software/hardware interactions. Parallel processing.
Create a program that prompts for a student's name and student ID#.
Program will
– add name and id to a file
– continually prompt and add until user chooses to end adding names
– have ...
For this project you will explore how to apply the object-oriented design ideas you learned in class to design and implement the chess game.
You will work in pairs on this project. Read the...
OS Project – Java Shell Interface, v0.7b
Objective: Implement a shell program in Java that accepts user commands and executes each command in a separate JVM process. This assignment is based on...
1 Introduction
Thisprojectwilltakesignificanttimetoimplement.Youcannotfinishitinasingle nightorweekend!Youwillneedtoplanyourtimecarefullyandworkoneachbitasthe topic iscovered.
Your task is to ...
project 3
Due Friday 31st May, 2019, 20:30
1. Introduction
This project provides you the opportunity to apply concepts taught throughout the course to extend the...
Written project
1. We have four data privacy techniques:
1. k-anonymity
2. Differential privacy
3. Secure multiparty computation
4. Private information retrieval
For eac...
Collecting mutual fund information from N-SAR filing
Sean Shin 2018.10.30
Purpose: collect mutual fund information from N-SAR filings from 2002 through 2015 to obtain more detailed informati...
1. Introduction
This project provides you the opportunity to apply concepts taught throughout the course to extend the functionality of a basic 2d sandbox game, in the style of Minecraft &a...
Total points: 75 (+15 bonus)
project 3
Due: 30th Nov, 2018 (Fri)
Written project
1. We have four data privacy techniques:
1. k-anonymity
2. Differential privacy
3. Secure m...
Collecting mutual fund information from N-SAR filing
Sean Shin 2018.10.30
Purpose: collect mutual fund information from N-SAR filings from 2002 through 2015 to obtai...
Following a weekend drive to Noosa Sunshine Coast to test out his new BMW X6 car, Mr Jack Bourne identified his ‘dream’ retirement home at the end of 2010. The property...
project 2 (due Thursday 2-22-2018)
1. Theoretical
For this exercise, you will take five data points and calculate the coefficients of the bivariate regression model by hand. This is not so...
Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management Case 2
Ada Lam is the founder and sole stockholder of AL Gifts, Co. Ltd., Ada is a recent divorcee and realizes that her finances may need to be...
Following a weekend drive to Noosa Sunshine Coast to test out his new BMW X6 car, Mr Jack Bourne identified his ‘...
Econ course
1.(30 points) Country H, which is small, exports good X. Its excess supply curve is given by P=100+4X. The world price ratio Px/Py is P=200. It is suggested, but n...
P 2 (due Thursday 2-22-2018)
1. Theoretical
For this exercise, you will take five data points and calculate the coefficients of the bivariate regression model by hand. This is not somethin...
案例r语言时间序列 In this project, you are asked to study the statistical properties of returns for applying the oldest and most widely used method in technical indicators—moving averages.1
Date: 23 Oct...
Wireshark Lab: HTTP v7.0
Supplement to Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, 7th ed., J.F. Kurose and K.W. Ross
“Tell me and I forget. Show me and I remember. Involve me and I understand...
HTML project 0
Note: Before starting this project, refer to the page link to setup your venus login home folder permissions and public_html folder. Whatever default folder you are give...
Database Coursework Specifications
Design and implement a relational database for The University Accommodation Office (descriptions of the syst...
r project案例 Economic growth is commonly defined as an increase in the output that an economy produces over a period of time, usually a year.
MAS6004/6062 S1 Project
Statistical analysis of eco...
R project案例 Problem 1
This problem involves the OJ data set which is part of the ISLR package.
BIA-656 – project 4
Problem 1
This problem involves the OJ data set which is part of the IS...
RMarkdown案例 In this project you will demonstrate how to use Method of Moments and Maximum Likelihood Estimation to find parameters of a distribution for which you believe were used in the data generat...
project – 5: Voice Assistant
100 points
In this project, you will be designing your own customized voice assistant (“Hey Google”, “Hey Siri” and Now! “Your creative phrase here”). Believe me, it...
Physics 307 Project 7
Due Tuesday, 13 November, at 5 PM Progress report due 6 November before class
This project is the first of three parts. I encourage you to try to finish this project ahead ...
MSRM Question
Professor Edward Altman
November 2018
In August 2017, Tesla Motors raised $1.8 billion in Corporate bonds, priced at 5.3%, 8-year notes. The bonds were subordinated to mo...
Prof. A Saunders
(all questions 10 points each)
1. Based on a linear regression model, a bank calculates that the PD for one of its portfoli...
Case Western Reserve University Weatherhead School of Management
BAFI 435 – Empirical Finance Fall 2018
project 3 (All Sessions) Due Wed, September 19th, 2018
This project will explore...
Infrared Digital Scoreboard
CS 272 Midterm Project – Fall 2018 Due: Wednesday, October 31, 2018 at 9:45am
1 Introduction
Please read this entire document. It is lengthy and contains many detai...
project computer class Risk Theory 2017–2018; week 2
Bailey-Simon tariff method—optimization in R
image.png– an open source, community developed statistical computing...
案例r语言投资风险 This is a group project which carries 30% of the assessment in this unit. It is due on 16 February 2018.
BAO3403 Investment and Portfolio Management
Asia – Semester 3, 2018
案例r语言COMP60711 Each filecontains observations collected via Inductive Loops sensors planted on a particular site of Chester Road in the city of Manchester.
Data (Pre-)Processing Coursework Descr...
C Programming writing help This project is designed to give you a better understanding of bits and bit manipulation. Your task is to write 3 small C bit-related programs.
C Programming writing hel...
C Assembly案例 You have been hired to write a crypto program to encipher and decipher data. Your program should read the data to be enciphered from stdin (either from keyboard input or redirected input)...
openGLC++案例 Write a program that
uses OpenGL animation using double-buffering. (20pts)
runs the animation in a for or while loop until the user wants to terminate (for example, pressing ESC key....
C++ Allegro案例 booltype
A kind of data type in lots of programminglanguages
Like c++, java and so
It can only be assigned by twovalues:
Final Project
What is Allegro?
Allegro = Allegro ...
dynamic C++案例 Q1 What kind of algorithms are Prim’s and Kruskal’s? (0.5 pts)
divide andconquer
EECS 281: Data Structures and Algorithms, Fall 2018
Lab 10 project
karatsuba算法案例 C++ Implementation of Integer Addition, Multiplication, and Division。
C++ Implementation of Integer Addition, Multiplication, and Division, due Aug 25th 23:59PM, late submiss...
c代码案例 As per usual, I encourage you to tackle this project in small pieces.. The worst approach to programming is to write a ton of code, compile it, and then run and watch it fail … it is so hard to ...
Total 12 points
(version 1.0)
COMP3230A Principles of Operating Systems
Program project Two
Due date: Oct 24, 2018 (Wednesday) at 5:00 pm
Principles of Operating Systems案例Principles of...
OS Systems案例 This homework project must be turned-in electronically via Canvas CODE plug-in. Ensure your C++ source code is named MUID_hw6.cpp,
CSE-381: Systems 2
Due: Tuesday October 30 2018 be...
os c案例 In the real world, airports communicate with each other to ensure that if a flight takes off, it will be able to land shortly after it arrives. This communication is both a safety and a fuel ec...
java案例 For this project, we are going to look at the game Lights Out. This is a single-player game, played on an n by m rectangular board.
ITI 1121. Introduction to Computing II Winter 2019
jsp网页案例 You are required to develop a web software application for Online Movie Store (OMS) that allows users (registered and anonymous) to search and purchase available movies.
案例java毕业设计 We are IT project team of Mandatory Provident Fund Association named “Global Financial asset”, established in the year of 2000 and become the major 5 MPF companies in Hong Kong rapidly.
案例python神经网络 Machine learning is a powerful set of techniques that allow computers to learn from data rather than having a human expert program a behavior by hand.
CSC 421/2516 Winter 2019
ml案例 Inclass we covered the derivation of basic learning algorithms to derive a model
ml案例 案例CSE 6363 – Machine Learning
Homework 1- Spring 2019
Due Date: Feb. 8 2019, 11:59 pm
MLE and...
julia代码案例 Read the following text and answer the questions given in and after the text.For questions that need Julia, both codes and results should be Besides,codes need in .jl form or .ipynb form.
风险管理案例 This project score will constitute 50% of the semester
Individual project
EF4321 Derivatives and Risk Management
This is NOT a group project. Every student should work ...
概率学案例 Solutions must be produced using LaTeX and submitted as hardcopy.
Instructions: You may only consult the textbook and lecture notes: do not consult any other materials or other ...
r project案例 Economic growth is commonly defined as an increase in the output that an economy produces over a period of time, usually a year.
MAS6004/6062 S1 Project
Statistical analysis of eco...
jsp网页案例 You are required to develop a web software application for Online Movie Store (OMS) that allows users (registered and anonymous) to search and purchase available movies.
案例java Phases4 Each student should be in a different role than the one during Phases 1-3. Be careful with how you assign roles: each student should have a turn in each role before the end of the semes...
案例java2 The design for this phase (Phase 2) will be an in-class exercise. The class will discuss, and coalesce around, a single design.
CSE 216: Software Engineering Programming project #2
案例java Each of the four programmers (web, back end, android, admin) should work in a separate branch, and the project manager will merge each branch into the main branch only after completing a code r...
hp laravel案例 The idea is to read the values/data of an XML file of products and store them in a database:
Open the XML
Read/Process the data of the XML
Save the data in the MySQL database (can...
php laravel案例 The idea is to read the values/data of an XML file of products and store them in a database:
Open the XML
Read/Process the data of the XML
Save the data in the MySQL database (ca...
stata软件案例 EstimatimgProductiom Fumctiom
Download the data “data-olley-pakes”. There are †3fi firms and 6 years of data. Each row refers to one firm in one year.
ECO £404 – project £
java Android案例 Write a program to implement autocomplete for a given set of N terms, where a term is a query string and an associated nonnegative weight.
CSE 17 Fall 18 Final Project: Autocomplete...
Subject: BIA 654 Experiment Design II
Semester: Fall 2018
Date: 10/15/2018
This exercise was inspired by a real problem described in the article “Strategic Testing Stops Leaky
Litter Carto...
math LateX案例
Problem 1. [Estimating a Hilbert’s density] (12 pts, 4 ⇥ 3)
因编辑器不支持公式 所以乱码 pdf预览查看
Let {Xi}n be an i.i.d. sample from an unknown distribution P with (Lebesgue) density f suppo...
概率数学案例 Task1 involves the Binomial&Normal distributions; task 2 involves conditional probability& the third is on integration.
This coursework is made up of three tasks: the first i...
物理案例 关于string的运用,通过回答小问题的方式,一道题一道题通过matlab实现仿真的案例案例。
Physics 307 Homework DEMO
The answer set in here due date:Thursday,18,October,at 5PM
Q 1 answer
Suppose there are N+1 nodes in one str...
北美essay案例 Instructions for Case 3 – Capital Structure – Dominion Resources: Cove Point Case material
Instructions for Case 3 – Capital Structure – Dominion Resources: Cove Point
Case material
r project案例 Economic growth is commonly defined as an increase in the output that an economy produces over a period of time, usually a year.
MAS6004/6062 S1 Project
Statistical analysis of eco...
R project案例 Problem 1
This problem involves the OJ data set which is part of the ISLR package.
BIA-656 – project 4
Problem 1
This problem involves the OJ data set which is part of th...
RMarkdown案例 In this project you will demonstrate how to use Method of Moments and Maximum Likelihood Estimation to find parameters of a distribution for which you believe were used in the data generat...
C Programming writing help This project is designed to give you a better understanding of bits and bit manipulation. Your task is to write 3 small C bit-related programs.
C Programming writing hel...
C Assembly案例 You have been hired to write a crypto program to encipher and decipher data. Your program should read the data to be enciphered from stdin (either from keyboard input or redirected input)...
C++ Allegro案例 booltype
A kind of data type in lots of programminglanguages
Like c++, java and so
It can only be assigned by twovalues:
Final Project
What is Allegro?
Allegro = Allegro ...
C++案例 Q1 What kind of algorithms are Prim’s and Kruskal’s? (0.5 pts)
divide andconquer
EECS 281: Data Structures and Algorithms, Fall 2018
Lab 10 Assignment
Canvas Qu...
karatsuba算法案例 C++ Implementation of Integer Addition, Multiplication, and Division。
C++ Implementation of Integer Addition, Multiplication, and Division, due Aug 25th 23:59PM, late submiss...
c代码案例 As per usual, I encourage you to tackle this project in small pieces.. The worst approach to programming is to write a ton of code, compile it, and then run and watch it fail … it is so hard to ...
案例java毕业设计 We are IT project team of Mandatory Provident Fund Association named “Global Financial asset”, established in the year of 2000 and become the major 5 MPF companies in Hong Kong rapidly.
案例java MapReduce A sample input file is given below. Each line corresponds to a point-of-interest (POI), which contains a keyword, coordinate values x and y
1. Problem statement
案例java M...
案例java编程 Create an Ideal Weight application that accepts input for:
Save your files as ICS3U
Programming Question
Ideal Weight Calculator
Create an Ideal Weight application t...
案例java Phases5 Regardless of which option you choose, your final phase must meet these criteria:
Consume at least one new API orservice;
Require extensions to all softwarecomponents;
A developer ...
Part A – Deck of Cards
In a previous programming project, you figured out how to make a Card. A Card class is given to you. In this section, you will create the class Deck which represents a deck of...
JavaFX案例 You are required to use Java SE 8.0 and JavaFX to develop a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for the CityLodge rental room management program created in Assignment 1.
COSC1295 Advanced Prog...
案例python神经网络 Machine learning is a powerful set of techniques that allow computers to learn from data rather than having a human expert program a behavior by hand.
CSC 421/2516 Winter 2019
1- Spring 2019
Due Date: Feb. 8 2019, 11:59 pm
Inclass we covered the derivation of basic learning algorithms to derive a model for a coin flip Consider a similar problems wher...
julia代码案例 Read the following text and answer the questions given in and after the text.For questions that need Julia, both codes and results should be Besides,codes need in .jl form or .ipynb form.
Python统计案例 This exercise explores the Python Selenium and the regular expressions to download the Apple products offered by
STAT 7008
Project 4
Deadline 1 Dec 2018
The University of New South Wales COMP3331/9331 Computer Networks and ApplicationsAssignment for Session 2, 2018
Version 1.0
1. Change Log
Version 1.0 released on 17th August 2018.
2. ...
41025 Introduction to Software Development Project – Implementation & Testing project 2
Due Date: Softcopy Due by Friday 31/05/2019 11:55 PM AEST Showcases in ...
java Phases5 Regardless of which option you choose, your final phase must meet these criteria:
Consume at least one new API orservice;
Require extensions to all softwarecomponents;
A deve...