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  • 案例经济分析案例经济分析 project computer class Risk Theory 2017–2018; week 2 案例经济分析 Bailey-Simon tariff method—optimization in R image.png– an open source, community developed statistical com...

  • r语言案例 获得顶级服务,案例:经济、金融、统计案例,数据分析,数据处理,机器学习,模型,计量、高级疑难的r语言案例分析 r案例 关于R案例的介绍:R诞生于新西兰 奥克兰大学 Robert Gentleman和Ross Ihaka 、其他人员开发,分支发展到现在。R是用于统计建模、数据分析/处理,挖掘,机器学习等很多领域,特别是在金融分析,经济分析,统计学,还有医学、生...

  • STATGU4206_GR5206_Midterm Gabriel Young 10/18/2018 The STAT GU4206/GR5206 Fall 2018 Midterm is open notes, open book(s), open computer and online resources are allowed. Students are not allowe...

  • 1. Visualization Design (50/100) In this part, you will find, analyze and visualize a quantitative dataset from Internet, discuss the visualization results, and address some questions. Please...

  • Multi-Armed Bandit 1. Introduction Slot machines are the most common equipment in casinos. Assuming there are multiple “arms” you can pull, and each arm will give a return or loss back to you....

  • 市场有效性假设论证分析 时间区间:1995.01~2018.07 数据预处理:日数据中深成指多了2010.12.01该日数据重复,需剔除;另外对上证和深圳的时间轴做了匹配处理,在data_daily_1995.csdata_week 研究模型及方法分析: 1) 自动混合检验 AQ (automatic p 其中,为收益率j阶滞后...

  • 2018春季统计分析研究课题 注:如果响应变量的个数比较少,可以逐个拟合模型。如果响应变量的个数较多,可以: 1. 重新整合数据集:将全部响应变量拉直到一个变量Y中,在数据集中加入一个名义变量用于指示响应变量。如加入名义变量index, index="1"时,对应的Y是第一个响应变量的值; index="2"时,对应的Y是第二个响应变量的值,等等。这样只需要考虑Y...

  • image.png If the user inputs an invalid command your program must output: No menu item Level File The level file will contain data related to the game such as the planet’s dimen...

  • The goal of this project is to generate a "Word Cloud" for Chinese text. What is a word cloud? Basically, it is an image displaying the most important components from a text. In English, a wo...

  • Systems Programming project 3 – Improving a Shell Due date 11:59pm – Wednesday Week 13. 在此这个案例c语言中,您应该采用shell程序的现有实现并添加一些小的改进,在开始案例c语言的时候,Improving a Shell是本次案例c语言的主题。 Preparation – Do...

  • 相比于高阶语言,C语言设计的变成概念少,附带的标准库小,所以简洁易学。但涉及变量的作用域、储存类别、字符串、链表、函数等一些细节非常容易出错。这对于初学C语言的学生非常头疼。课上明明都听得明白,课下却总是出错。一遍遍修改,还是找不到症结所在。这是因为已经走入了思维误区。应该关注的细节没有关注到,一直重复自己已经掌握甚至熟练的部分是没有意义的,只能浪费时间。 这个时候,c案例是一种最简单的“捷径...

  • 1简介 你被哈基特聘为工程师–这家声名狼藉的武汉 it 创业公司最近获得了他们的 b 轮融资。hackit 正在开发一个新的搜索引擎, 他们希望将其纳入信息管理和数据挖掘产品。特别是, hakit 的项目侧重于搜索财经新闻文章以获取相关信息。该产品将引起金融分析师、投资银行家和记者的兴趣。您被分配到工程团队, 该团队应该构建核心搜索技术的第一个原型。搜索引擎开发的设计尚处于起...

  • Deadline for Submission to SurreyLearn: 4:00pm, Tuesday 4th December 2018 Introduction Silhouettes contain much of the shape information necessary to recognise simple objects. For this reas...

  • Overview In this project, you will work toward developing a program C calledtime_calcwhich is a simple, interactive time converter and calculator. The functionality of the program is described ...

  • 3说明 3 – 杰克编译器 加权和到期日期 此的分数占整个课程分数的10%。 功能标记将由Web提交系统自动授予。 截止日期: 里程碑 – 第11周星期五晚上11:55, 决赛 – 第12周星期五晚上11:55。 延迟处罚: 对于每个部分,最高分数将被延迟每天/每天减少25%。如果您的标记大于最大值,它将减少到最大值。 核心知识体系(CBOK)领域: 抽...

  • Lab Objective: The objective of this week’s lab is to consider a matrix compression pro- gram. Matrices are used in a huge variety of computer applications and a key issue is the space they consu...

  • This project aims to give you some experience with C programming and to help you gain better understanding of the instruction format of LC‐3. Important Notes: · There are subtle dif...

  • 案例C语言/C++代码案例服务,获得帮助最好的地方 前面的话: CSGHOSTWRITINGu.com成立5年来,帮助过学生,工作者,项目人案例上万起。 在案例C语言和C++代码案例中获得很高的成就,我们的有24小时的售前售后服务。代码优质,不管是 cpp/C++,C语言,及衍生类的语言都可以很好案例它。我们100%保证代码原创,准时守信,提供文档辅导。...

  • In this project, you will create 3 different implementations of the “Tic- Tac-Toe” game in 3 tasks: 1D Implementation – a simple implementation of the game for two players using only ’X’-es. ...

  • Introduction This document specifies the requirements for the first project of the Software Development with C++ course, SP5 2018. This project will develop your skills by allowing you to put i...

  • 一、课程介绍 本实习的目的是在已学习C++(Java)编程语言以及数据结构课程的基础上,通过复习已学编程和数据结构知识,学习已学算法的衍生算法和一些新算法,编写一些与日常生活和生产相结合更为紧密的应用,以锻炼学生的实际动手能力、编程能力、知识自学能力、逻辑思维能力。(图形和控制台界面自选,图形界面在评价时给予奖励) 二、题目 1.编写一个计算器工具 要求:能够实...

  • hulu2019校招技术综合笔试题C/C++hulu2018公司笔试编程题 时间限制:C/C++语言 1000MS;其他语言:3000MS 内存限制:65536KB;其他语言:589824KB 题目描述: 给定一个正整数组a,返回一个新的数组Sums,满足sums[i]的值为a重笔a[i]小的数字之和,如果不存在比a[i]小的数字,则sums[i]为0, ...

  • Background Ah, the Donald. Everyone’s favourite President. A modern politician who shares his, um, ‘thoughts’ with us each day via Twitter. You could follow his thoughts too (@realdonaldtrum...

  • FunCode程序设计实验教材系列 C++面向对象课程设计 实验指南 课程设计三 太空战机 一、游戏介绍 太空战机是玩家用键盘控制战机移动并发射子弹,消灭敌方的战机。敌方战机从右到左移动,同时上下浮动。 二、实验目的 综合应用C+...

  • 《数据结构》课程设计 指导书 数据结构课程设计要求 1、 课设需完成的题目: [1] 一元多项式运算问题 [2] 学生学籍管理系统 [3] 通讯电文压缩处理问题 [4] 最佳旅游路线规划问题 [5] 图书租借管理问题 [6] 网络布线问题 学号尾号为偶数的同学,请完成[1][3]课题;学号尾号为奇数的同学,...

  • CPSC 213 – project 9 IO, Asynchrony and Threads After a 24-hour grace period, late projects will only be accepted in extenuating circumstances with documentation. Goal The goal of ...

  • 第一題: 定義一名為 GeometricObject 之類別,其中包含 (a) 一名為 color 之 private string 成員 (b) ㄧ名為 filled 之 private boolean 成員 (c) 一建構子,無接受參數,負責將 color 指定為 “white”,將 filled 指定為 flase,並印出 “Constructo...

  • 下载 (2).jpg、 说明 对于这个任务,你需要实现两个功能来完成⼀一个“⽹网格世界”项⽬目,这是⼀一个基于概率的冒险游戏。 您需要使⽤用⻢马尔可夫决策过程(MDP)技术来分析⽹网格世界中每个位置的潜在“⻛风险”,并提供建议 采取的措施。 因此,⼀一个策略略将在值迭代后最终输出。 以下是您需要实现的两个功能: 函数1:void MDP :: computeQVal...

  • 1. Purpose The purpose of this exercise is to make the students familiar with: (1) the implementation of basic operations of sequential list; (2) the basic application of sequential lis...

  •  #7 This  project requires submitting both written answers and code. All written answers should be submitted in a PDF file named hw7.pdf. Each individual question specifies the submission guid...

  •  #7 This  project requires submitting both written answers and code. All written answers should be submitted in a PDF file named hw7.pdf. Each individual question specifies the submission guid...

  • 一、 判断题: 1. C程序的基本组成单位是函数 2. C程序可以由一个或多个函数组成 3. C语言可以不用编译就能被计算机识别执行 4. main()函数必须放在其它函数之前 5. 每个C程序中都必须要有一个main()函数 6. 在C程序中main()函数的位置是固定的 7. C程序中的main()函数必须放在程序的开始位置。 ...

  • Description The final project is an open style one. It is designed to stimulate your creativity and encourage you to explore algorithms and data structures that you are personally interested in. ...

  • Description Project ve will introduce you to POSIX synchronization primitives. You will rst x your code from homework four using the correct synchronization primitive. Now the correct output ...

  • This project is worth 10% of your final mark. It is an individual project; no group work. Late submissions policy No late submissions are allowed. Programming languages Your impleme...

  • Analyze the performance of Google PageRank algorithm “d”是一个阻尼因子,通常在0.85左右,这意味着用户在点击了一系列链接后将停止冲浪。您将使用迭代算法来找到以下问题的解决方案: 上述递推方程。在该算法中,我们从顶点的一些初始秩值开始,然后用上述方程迭代修正它们。 ...

  • Overview In this project you will implement a small part of a text search engine: using an existing inverted file index for a multi-word query to find the top-matching documents in a large do...

  • 题目:求最小划分子集 划分子集问题 问题描述:已知集合A={a1,a2,……an},及集合上的关系R={ (ai,aj) | ai,aj∈A, i≠j},其中(ai,aj)表示ai与aj间存在冲突关系。要求将A划分成互不相交的子集A1,A2,……Ak,(k≤n),使任何子集中的元素均无冲突关系,同时要求分子集个数尽可能少。 测试数据: 元素集合...

  • (MUST be submitted through ICE so that the TAs can run your programs during marking.) Make sure your name and ID are printed on the cover page of your report. Assessment Overview ...

  • The purpose of these sample questions is to prepare you for success on the midterm . These questions have been used on previous s in this course, and represent the range of difficulty and dept...

  • Question 1- 1.cpp code: #include #include using namespace std; double SquareRoot(double d) {     double x=1;     for(int i=0;i...

  • Answers to homework questions are discussed in the Sunday online session. Answers to these four questions are due at 6pm, Thursday 15 Feb 2018. One point per question. 1. Simulate...

  • Programming Environment I We use Visual Studio on Windows as our primary programming environment: I Most students are familiar with Windows O/S ...

  • 2017-2018学年第一学期 《C语言程序设计》 课程设计任务书 一、开发背景 《C语言程序设计》课程设计的程序规模较大,属于C综合应用,侧重C程序开发全过程的初步训练。从基础实验过渡到课程设计,学生普遍感到无从下手。我们采用模仿和引导、逐步过渡到独立设计的教学方法命题。从命题入手,给...

  • Purpose: This project has several goals: 1. This is a relatively simple project, meant to get you back into programming after the semester break. 2. Make sure you can edit/compile/...

  • 的很小的练习题,看看多少钱 vector.h和vector.cpp两个文件里面写了一个关于向量的模板类,请大家查阅C++类和向量计算的有关知识,并完成如下任务: 1. 建立一个C++ 空项目,并加入这两个文件。(1分) 2. C++项目里面创建一个main.cpp文件,并在里面写main函数,main函数里面自行定义两个大小为100的向量,向量的元素值随机(要用到生成随机数...

  • 数据结构集中实践 l 河南财经政法大学校园导游系统开发 1.实训项目要求 设计河南财经政法大学校园平面图,所含景点不少于10个。以图中顶点表示各景点,存放景点编号、名称、简介等信息;以边表示路径存放路径长度等相关信息。一般情况下,校园的道路是双向通行的,可设校园平面图是一个无向网。 本系统用户分成:游客和管理员。对不同用户...

  • 实验四 LL(1) 语法分析实验 1. 了解 LL(1)语法分析器的设计与调试。 针对任意的文法,编写相应的左递归消除、左公共因子提取程序,求解相应的FIRST、LL(1)语法分析程序,并给出测试句子的分析过程。(注:左递归消除和左公共因子如果在实验三里做了,可以直接拿过来用) FOLLOW等集合构造,判断LL(1) 2...

  • where n is the number of nodes in the tour. Miroslava works for a computer security company and it is time to renew a shared cryptographic key in many data centres across Europe. To do thi...

  • 2017级期末大 大说明: 1)、上交包括:编程题的技术文档,源程序整个工程文件夹(删除其中的Debug或Release文件夹,以及使用编译产生的.ncb文件、.sdf文件) 2)、上交时间:第19周的周五前 3)、上交地点:科学会馆507房间 内容: 请在3和4的基础上完成一个简单的海图显示程序 编程需完成实现以下功能: 1)...

  • 软件技术综合训练课程设计任务书 题 目:跑马灯程序 (1)使学生巩固和提高C++编程技术; (2)培养学生掌握程序设计的基本思路和方法; (3)加强学生研发、调试程序的能力; (4)培养学生分析、解决问题的能力; (5)提高学生的科技论文写作能力。 一. 课程设计的任务及要求 任务1:图形化界面(GUI)编程,编写一个跑...

  • ① 班级按项目进行分组,每个小组选定小组长,确定实训项目名称; ② 根据各个小组项目,进行数据库设计,用文件进行数据库实现,并录入数据。 ③ 确定本项目的实体(类),以及它们间的相互关系;进行小组成员分工。 ④ 确定各个小组所要处理的简易业务;初步确定所要使用的数据结构。 1、每个小组4至5人 2、每个项目至少5个实体 二 每个小组...

  • 实训题目 任务1:顺序表存储整数集合类 具体要求: 1、建立集合类,要求类名为Jh+学号末两位,例如:学号为末两位为01的学生,建立的类名为Jh01。声明一个data数组和一个length变量,注意数据存储到数组从1开始。 2、查找资料掌握Vc中的随机函数,了解srand函数和rand函数的用法。为集合类设计一个构造函数, 函数原型如 Jh(int seed...

  • 《数据结构》课程设计 一、课程设计的目的与任务 课程设计是学生对课程所学知识的综合运用,它与课堂听讲、上机实验、课外练习、自学研究相辅相成,构成一个完整的课程教学体系。《数据结构》是一门实践性强的课程,其中对算法设计和程序编写的掌握尤为重要。学生虽然可以通过与课堂教学同步的上机实验完成相关内容的练习,但却往往局限于一些功能简单、彼此之间关系独立的算法和程序。课程设计是一种综...

  • 高级语言程序设计 3. 中国地理知识考试系统 本考试系统可以通过单项选择的形式来对中国地理知识进行测试。测试题的题库保存在给定的数据集文件TestData.txt中,数据文件中每一行数据代表一个题目,其中第一列是题目的编号,第二列是题目的答案(1,2,3,4分别代表四个选项A,B,C,D),第3,4,5,6列分别存储四个选项的内容。根据需要分别建立结构体数组和结构体链表来对从数...

  • 数据结构与算法课程报告要求2017 内容:数据结构及其应用实例(例如:线性表及其应用实例,栈、队列及其应用实例,树结构及其应用实例,图结构及其应用实例,查找、排序及其应用实例等),要求用两种存储结构,或两种不同查找算法,或两种不同的排序算法,或两种不同的遍历算法,或两种不同的算法如递归与非递归算法实现。 课程报告的封面:应给出题目、班级...

  • 主要任务(请注意内容与工作量要求并覆盖要求相关指标点,参见背页说明,要求200-500字): 本课题需要设计实现一个基于用户特征的广告定向投放系统。在我们已有的视频分享站点上,通过分析用户的注册信息、评论信息及观看信息,分析用户的兴趣特征,并在此基础上完成广告的定向投放。主要功能包括:(1)用户的特征提取及推测,例如性别、年龄、兴趣等;(2)广告创意与用户兴趣的关...

  • 1、编写一个项目,包括如下的功能: (1)有输入(根据输入进行相关的操作) (2)有输出(输出项目处理后的信息) (3)自定义相关函数并在主程序中调用 (4)要使用if、for、while等流程控制语句 (5)要使用字符串、列表、字典等数据类型 2、参考选题 (1)大奖赛评分...

  • 题目: 首先建立投资者投资特征向量UC=(PVM、PTM、LPM、PEM、PBM分别表示投资者已投项目的领投额占比、项目估值、认购人数、项目讨论数和投资比的平均值,然后,基于内容的个性化推荐策略和投资者特征向量,实现股权众筹项目的推荐。推荐算法描述如下: 输入:投资者投资行为数据和众筹项目信息 输出:m 众筹项目 步骤1 :根据投资者...

  • 大题目说明 一、项目目的与要求: 1、目的: (1)要求学生达到熟练掌握C++语言的基本知识和技能; (2)基本掌握面向对象程序设计的基本思路和方法; (3)能够利用所学的基本知识和技能,解决简单的面向对象程序设计问题。 2、基本要求: (1) 要求利用面向对象的方法以及C++的编程思想来完成系统的设计; (2) 要求在...

  • A. Radix Sort 题目描述 Given a sequence of numbers separated by commas, you are required to sort them by radix sort. Output the step results of each pass. Input 2 line the first lin...

  • 题目:网吧自助计费收费管理系统 项目要求: 1.根据该网吧的具体情况,该系统实现如下主要的功能: (1)前台管理:“上机”、“会员办理”、“预定机子”、“余额充值”。 (2)网管管理:“前台机子登陆程序”、“网管轮班查询”。 (3)查询系统:“预定机子查询”、“空机子查询”、“消费记录查询”、“机子状态查询”。 (4)费...

  • 1.任务简述 本学期 大要求同学们完成两个任务,第 一个是完成 C++ ST L 库中的 deque 库,即实现 一个双端队列 ,要求封装。第 二个是 map 库,即平衡树,要求封装。实现代码的接 口框架与头 文件,助教已经给出,同学们需要实现给出的接 口。 要求、框架接口与测试数据均https://github在:.com/Nerer/ d...

  • 实验07-A、航空公司航线图 目的 1. 掌握图、树、线性表和哈希表等结构的基本知识和使用技术。 2. 运用所学习的数学知识。 3. 培养对问题建模和抽象的能力。 4. 培养设计和使用新工具的能力。 5. 培养自学能力。 6. 能够撰写实验(技术)报告,培养...

  • 编程练习 1.编程程序,提示用户输入一元二次方程的三个系数a,b,c,计算并显示根的判别式的结果,然后计算并显示方程的根。 2.编写程序随机产生一个1到12之间的整数,并且根据所输入的数字显示对应的英文月份,如随机产生的1,则输出January,2对应输出February,…… 3.扩展第2题,使之可以实现多次月份转换,停止转换条件由用户输入特定的字...

  • 1. 此课程设计需要实现CUI(2. 至少应包含以下要求功能(如登陆等等3. 在实际编程中类的设计建议尽量考虑利用面向对象的相关知识,在项目的可重用性 可拓展性 易修改性上反复调优代码质量。:基础较弱的同学可先考虑功能实现) 4...

  • 题目:上课点名系统 任务基本要求: 1. 点名概率均等,结果不能有规律; 2. 课堂学生信息不能在程序内部指定,全部由外部文件输入 3. 课堂名单中间可能存在学号姓名不一致的情况,需提供对应的管理接口。 4. 点名系统需实现一次点名能够得到一人或者多人名单(可通过输入进行选择) 撰写模板 上课点名系统设计与开发 ...

  • 一、实验目的 1、计算机硬件组成 2、计算机软件配置 3、市场主流计算机的基本配置 4、DEBUG工具解析汉字机内码 5、装机DIY 二、实验环境 1、硬件环境 (1)CPU:Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E7500 2.93GHz(2 CPUS) (2)内存:2048MB RAM (3...

  • Within this task classes shall be practised using as ple the collection of news items for a news broadcast. Correspondents contribute news items for the country they are in charge of. Each broadca...

  • In order to maintain the apprehension and disquiet of Halloween Dr. Evil has distributed digital bombs across the iLabs. Thankfully, Evil's Doctorate is in the Fine and Performing Arts, not Compu...

  • 1、 论文内容一定要联系实际,是最新的经济热点,最新的变化,具有现实意义和创新性。 2、 以下论文题目每个同学请选择一个题目,字数不能少于2500字(论文正文内容)。同学需分别独自完成,注意独自完成,避免雷同。注:如若雷同(超过30%):论文雷同者金融会计论文“0”分。 3、 请勿抄袭。如若论文里需引用别人的文章或文字,请在文章或文字最后注明引用文章的来源,作者、...

  • 押韵分析 选取中国有嘻哈排名前十的歌手中的某一位,比如GAI爷,选取10首歌曲,进行押韵分析。押韵要考虑模糊拼音。参考知乎《中国有嘻哈丨数据分析谁是押韵轰炸机》https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/29672948 py文件第一行加入这样一段注释。最好以后所有py文件都加入这样的注释。 # -*- coding:...

  • The study of chemical reactors is an important part of Chemical Engineering. The transient response of a chemical reactor is the change in the concentration of a chemical substance in the reactor...

  • Files NOT to handin to cs60 p5 are: EvacRunner.cpp, CPUTimer.h, Minimum files to handin to cs60 p5 are: Makefile, evac.h, evac.cpp, authors.csv. Executable name: evac.out You are to wri...

  • 实验报告 目 录 实验项目一: Visual C++ 2010的基本用法 实验项目二: 数据类型、运算符和表达式 实验项目三: 三种基本结构的实现 实验项目四: 函...

  • The study of chemical reactors is an important part of Chemical Engineering. The transient response of a chemical reactor is the change in the concentration of a chemical substance in the reacto...

  • c或c++ 设计一个电话号码查询系统,要求采用哈希表方法实现查找,实现分别按电话号码排序和用户排序的功能 设计要求: 1 设每个记录有下列数据项:电话号码、用户名、地址。 2 从键盘输入各记录,分别以电话号码和用户名为关键字建立哈希表。 3 采用再哈希法解决冲突。 4 查找并显示给定电话号码的记录。 5 查找...

  • Part 1 – A Basic Memory Management System The aim of Part 1 is to implement a simple, first-fit dynamic memory management policy on an allocatable region of memory, M1. The idea is to write two rout...

  • 题目:学生信息管理系统设计 1. 目的 (1) 加深对结构体数据类型设计的理解,能对系统功能进行分析,并设计合理的模块化结构。 (2) 学会设计数据结构。其中包括对结构数组、数据文件等知识的运用。 (3) 提高程序开发功能,能运用合理的控制流程编写清晰高效的程序。 (4) 训练C程序调试能力,能将一个中小型各级组织系统联调通过。 ...

  • 问题描述】在很多实际应用中,动态索引结构在文件创建或初始装入记录时生成,在系统运行过程中插入或删除记录时,为了保持较好的检索性能,索引结构本身将随之发生改变。教材上已经介绍的动态查找数据结构包括:二叉排序树(BST)、平衡二叉树(AVL)、B-树。本题要求选取一种已经学过的动态搜索树结构,设计并实现一个手机通讯录软件。 【基本要求】一个完整的通讯录软件应具有以下功能: (1)支持复式...

  • 一、课程设计应达到的目的 1、通过对本题目的设计,更加系统地理解和掌握C语言的基本概念、语言特点和编程技巧。利用学到的编程知识和编程技巧,在图书馆查阅资料或网上咨询独立完成程序的编写,并能运用学过的技巧独立上机调试完成。 2...

  • (Final)ProjectFour Description: In this final project, you will be implementing a game or interactive demonstration thatintegrates one or more additional capabilities of your choice into the...

  • For this project, you are to augment your code from project 2 to solve the minimal Vertex Cover problem for the input graph. Your approach is based on a polynomial time reduction to CNF- SAT, and u...

  • 题目:写一个简单的银行贷款系统,用户需要输入贷款开始时间(年、月、日)、贷款年利率、贷款期数(月数)和贷款总额,输出月还款总数、本金和利息。要求月还款额相等,包括本金和利息。月利息具体到天数,以每月的每天的利息和计息,1年按360天算。还包括以下功能:1、可进行已还款明细查询还款明细 查询姓名   贷款金额 贷款利率贷款起始日****-**-**  贷款到期日 ****-**-**日期  本...

  • 1. Introduction In this project, you are going to implement a single cycle CPU simulator called MiniCPU using C language. Your MiniCPU will demonstrate some functions of MIPS processors as w...

  •  The lab must be accomplished solely by you:  DO NOT look at anyone’s code other than your own, including code from another’s student in your section or another section of the course, or an...

  • CCNU-UOW CSCI851 Advanced Programming Fall 2017 project 1 (Worth 10%) Due 11:55pm Monday 6st November 2017. Overview This project is to be implemented using procedural programming. Th...

  • Extend your previous program to provide additional functionality as follows: Step (1) Modify your program to use an array of structs, which will replace the parallel arrays, like this: ...

  • //只有计算交换和比较次数的程序 //利用随机函数产生1000个随机整数, //利用插入排序、起泡排序、快速排序、选择排序、堆排序、 #include #include #include #define LS(a,b) ((a)(b)) #define MAXSIZE 1000 typedef int KeyType; typedef str...

  • 程序设计实训:校园导游模拟程序的设计 2) 具体功能要求: 按菜单项管理的主界面 菜单项及功能要求如下 2) 查看浏览路线:根据用户输入的起始景点编号,求出从该景点到其他景点的最短路径线路及距离,要求用DIJKSTRA算法完成。 4) 景点信息查询:根据用户输入的编号,输出...

  • 学生信息管理系统 一、 系统设计目标及功能介绍 程序主要目标是实现学校对学生信息的管理,输入学生基本信息,包括姓名,性别,联系方式,成绩等。并将信息写入文件中保存,替换信息,查找、删除某个学生的信息。而且能实现统计每个学生的的总成绩,各科成绩的及格率,并将其显示在dos界面上。 1. 创建文件 创建并打开一个记事本students.txt。 2. 学生信息管理 主要是从键盘输...

  • Important Notes • Handins: – The deadline for submission of your project is 9pm the 13th of Sept, 2017. – For undergraduate students, you may do this project as a team of two stu-dent...

  • 学生信息管理系统 一、 系统设计目标及功能介绍 程序主要目标是实现学校对学生信息的管理,输入学生基本信息,包括姓名,性别,联系方式,成绩等。并将信息写入文件中保存,替换信息,查找、删除某个学生的信息。而且能实现统计每个学生的的总成绩,各科成绩的及格率,并将其显示在dos界面上。 1. 创建文件 创建并打开一个记事本students.txt。 2. 学生信息管理 主要是从键盘输...

  • Java案例的案例,编程语言创建一个图形化的实时策略游戏,使用EclipseIDE,因为这是第二个任务,项目2B,是完成游戏的实现,如本规范的其余部分所述。我们在类中所支持的。第一个任务,项目2A,要求您生成一个类设计演示如何实现游戏 Overview In this project, you will create a graphical real-time strategy g...

  • AssertJ is currently one of the most popular Java projects on Github (that are Maven- buildable). It is a relatively large system, comprising of the order of tens of thousands of lines of cod...

  • This project consists of programming and written work. Solutions should be a complete working Java program including your original work or cited contributions from other sources. These files sh...

  • CSC 220 Data Structures  06 Basic Instructions: 1. In every file submitted you MUST place the following comments: a. project #. b. File Name. c. Full name 2. Each student is re...

  • 1 Overview In this project, you will implement a complete graphical Map editor, in a class called MapEditor, that permits editing of maps and simple trip planning. The map that you display wi...

  • Objectives. 1. Support multiline comments. 2. Support additional tokens (reserved words, operators, and separators). 3. Support long and double literals. In this project...

  • 实现一个JAVA Game—— Hang man Game可视化编程 1.游戏截图: 模块设计 2.1 班( class的名词复数 ) 这个项目包括三个类别:HangmanL词汇on和HangmanPanel。每一班将详细说明如下: 2.2 HangmanLexicon 创建这个类是为了读取Hangma...

  • 获得java案例帮助 java案例范围: OOP概念,继承,运算符,字符串,输入和输出,数组,数组类,构造函数,异常处理,正则表达式,接口和抽象类,Java包,多线程, 包装类,Java中算法,文件处理,Java的集合,集合高级功能,图像处理,Java网络编程 等课程概念,另外还有web开发,编程包含以上不仅仅。计算机案例帮助!地区主要有北美案例,英国案例等国家! ...

  • Problem Description Design and code an appointments diary in Java. You must design and code an appointment diary using Java. This is like a form of calendar, with events (appointments) th...

  • Program 1: Scavenger Hunt Goal In your first program project, your task is to navigate a jeroo located on "Long Island": image.png Your jeroo should start at location (2, 2), facing eas...

  • WRITING PART 1. Consider the following definition of class MyClass class MyClass { private String A; private char B; private int C; private double D; } a. Create a default...

  • project # 2 Can be solved individually or in groups of 2 students Create a zip file containing the required deliverables with all files containing the students names and numbers ( one submis...

  • Mini Project Your task is to write a basic maths teacher program with a graphical user interface (GUI). This will be called MathTeacher. The application will be used by young children to ...

  • 1主题 这个项目的目标是设计,实施和测试用Java编写的视频游戏。 它将为2到6个玩家编写一个游戏RISK。 项目组最多有3个成员! 2游戏说明 RISK是在包含6片地区和42片领地的世界地图上进行的战略游戏,其中每轮游戏可以有2到6个玩家,游戏将一直持续直到他们达成游戏目标。 2.1游戏目标 游戏目...

  • JAVA 程序设计大 1. 实验内容(40) 1.1 实验简介 《黄金矿工》是一款经典的益智类小游戏。游戏以挖矿为主题,属于策略型单机或联机游戏。本次实验要求完成一个网络联机版的黄金矿工游戏。具体玩法如下: 1) 游戏有 2 个玩家,通过网络 socket 通信,进行协同挖矿。每位玩家均有一个钩子,钩子初始状态为水平状态,按照重力作用进行摆动。玩家通过↓按键...

  • Implementing Sets with binary search trees Goals for this project • Learn about the implementation of Sets using binary search trees, both unbalanced and balanced • Implement me...

  • Preamble Some of these questions will be must be handed in for assessment        by the end of April 30th. Detailed submission        instructions will be added in due course. Please check ba...

  • Introduction This standard defines how your code should be styled for projects and projects while studying here in the department. By following these conventions, you will produce code which ...

  • Overview In this project, you will create a graphical real-time strategy game in the Java programming language, continuing from your work in Project 1. We will provide a full working solution for...

  • 找JAVA案例可以收获什么 JAVA作为C++语言的“进化体”,是静态面对对象编程语言的代表。其简单、安全、平台独立与可移植性等特点,使得广泛应用于桌面应用程序,WEB应用程序等我们耳熟能详的程序,因此JAVA方向的人才社会需求量很大,自然也就意味着高薪,这也就吸引了越来越多的人学习JAVA。 学习JAVA并不难,虽然比较C语言还是要难上那么一点。但是“纸上得来终觉浅”的道理大家都...

  • 1 Overview AssertJ is currently one of the most popular Java projects on Github (that are Maven- buildable). It is a relatively large system, comprising of the order of tens of thousands of...

  • Guidelines This project consists of programming and written work. Solutions should be a complete working Java program including your original work or cited contributions from other source...

  • 1 Overview In this assignment, you will implement a complete graphical Map editor, in a class called MapEditor, that permits editing of maps and simple trip planning....

  • Objectives. 1. Support multiline comments. 2. Support additional tokens (reserved words, operators, and separators). 3. Support long and double literals. In this project...

  • 登录:功能:1、直接显示查询结果,如图二。双击物品信息时,弹出相关对话框,可对物品进行出库、入库操作。同时软件需具有物品最低储备数量提示,可设定物品最低储备量,超过最低储备量时软件可提示相关人员。每行后有选择,选择后通过库存信息表中的库位信息查询库位指令表,通过串口将指令发出。 后台数据库包括: 库位指令表:储存库位及串口发送指令。(A1-1-4)(...

  • All of you are familiar with writing programs in one or more assembly languages.  But you may not have really considered how an assembler works when it translates an assembly language program int...

  •   软件设计的计划   要设计的彩票软件分两类,一类是时时彩类(重庆时时彩、台湾时时彩、东京1.5分彩等):它们都是由万千百十个五位数组成,每个位数都是由0至9十个数中的一个。我们从相关网站上读取数据,根据以前的开奖记录和历史,用一些固定的方法(或公式)计划下期每个位置的10个数字中选取其中的5个数字(中奖率50%)。把每个位置的拟购买的计划发送到Q群。另一类为北京赛车(幸运飞艇),十部赛车...

  • 骰子游戏 是非常受欢迎的世界各地。一个非常受欢迎的骰子游戏在美国涉及两个骰子的滚动。如果在骰子7,这是一个赢! 规范 您将编写一个用于骰子游戏的Java程序。编写一个名为Dice的Java类。类应该有一个私有变量,它是骰子上的值。编写getter()和setter()方法来访问这个值。该类还应该有一个名为roll()的...

  • Java RMI 程序任务 程序任务包括为一个叫 Banana 的计算机制造商和经销商做一个分布式系统。Banana 公司制造智能手机,笔记本电脑和台式电脑,他们的产品在他们旗下的各家商店中销售。 基本任务: 1.每家 Banana 旗下的商店都有自己的分服务器(Branch server)。分服务器可以存储商店销售的产品和库存。并且还能储存顾客名...

  • 一、 课程设计基本任务:用Java程序设计语言开发一个具有一定功能和实际应用意义的软件。 二、 适应专业及班级:信息与计算科学16级。 三、 课程设计时间:2017-2018学年第一学期第21周 四、 课程设计任务要求:结合学生实际情况,选择自己感兴趣的题目。可以是科学计算(算法研究)、图形图像处理(原理、应用、识别)、管理类软件(教学管理、图书管理、企业管理等)...

  • 《软件综合设计》 《软件综合设计》任务书 一、题目:家谱管理系统 二、设计要求 (1)刘文秀(组长)、姜雪和岳奉宜组成课程设计小组。 (2)小组成员分工协作完成。要求每个成员有自己相对独立的模块,,同时要了解其他组员完成的内容。 ...

  • XX 公司员工出勤管理系统 一、系统概述 公司如何对人才进行有效的管理,提高公司利益是每一个公司管理者必须考虑的问题,制订有效的管理制度是一个管理人才的行之有效的办法。现要为一个公司实现一个考勤管理系统,考勤一般与工资等利益相关的事物挂钩,因此,考勤可能会涉及到比较多的内容。以考勤类型来说,有迟到早退、不正常上班、出差、请假、旷...

  • 一、语言和环境 A、实现语言 Java语言,SQL语言 B、环境要求 JDK 7.0、MyEclipse10、SQLServer 2005/MySQL 二、功能要求 开发基于控制台的购书系统。(除创建数据库,数据表之外,其他功能均在MyEclipse平台中,用Java语言实现)具体要求如下: 1、创建数据库Books,包含以下...

  • 一、内容编写 GUI 程序,完成学生的选课信息管理。 课程信息存储在文件 courses.txt 的示例内容与格式如下所示: Two hours each week-day. Two lectures in a week. The c...

  • 实现一个JAVA Game—— Hang man Game可视化编程 1.游戏截图: image.png 模块设计 2.1 班( class的名词复数 ) 这个项目包括三个类别:HangmanL词汇on和HangmanPanel。每一班将详细说明如下: 2.2 HangmanLexicon 创建这个类是为了读取HangmanLDicon.tx...

  • 获得java案例帮助 java案例范围: OOP概念,继承,运算符,字符串,输入和输出,数组,数组类,构造函数,异常处理,正则表达式,接口和抽象类,Java包,多线程, 包装类,Java中算法,文件处理,Java的集合,集合高级功能,图像处理,Java网络编程 等课程概念,另外还有web开发,编程包含以上不仅仅。计算机案例帮助!地区主要有北美案例,英国案例等国家! ...

  • The Essay is an ALTERNATIVE to the business submission. DO NOT do both. Choose ONE of the following essay questions. Answers, with minimum 2,000 words, can use examples from any country to illust...

  • You are working with a research team who are trying to understand risk factors and causes of cardiovascular disease. They have completed a cohort study in which they have collected information at b...

  • With the rapid development of Internet technology, personal customization services have been widely used in television programs, music recommendation, e-commerce, etc, which has made the recommen...

  • Dice Game:  A player rolls two dice, each having six sides. Each side has a number from 1 to 6.  The sum of the 2 dice is the roll total.  If a player rolls the dice and gets a roll total of...

  • 1. Allen, Baker, Cabot, and Dean are to speak at a dinner. They will draw lots to determine the order in which they will speak. Please answer the following questions: ...

  • Questions Analyse the QCoast2100 program by answering the following questions; How does the QCoast2100 program improve...

  • Problem Description Design and code an appointments diary in Java. You must design and code an appointment diary using Java. This is like a form of calendar, with events (appointments) th...

  • Program 1: Scavenger Hunt Goal In your first program project, your task is to navigate a jeroo located on "Long Island": image.png Your jeroo should start at location (2, 2), facing east,...

  • A Web proxy is a program that acts as a middleman between a Web browser and anend server. Instead of contacting the end server directly to get a Web page, the browser contacts the proxy, which forw...

  • Implement the following files using separate compilation: Your submission must automatically compile from the makefile. Remove any refences to using namespace std from you...

  • 1. Consider the following definition of class MyClass class MyClass { private String A; private char B; private int C; private double D; } a. Create a default constructor as...

  • 1. Extend your P9 program so that it displays a map showing locations of Twitter tweets matching user-specific search terms. The program should: have a GUI that enables the user to enter a locat...

  • 1.Background Software testing comes along with the production of software. Early software development processes were small and complex. Now the software and IT industry has entered a big developmen...

  • Q1) Creating the stack classes You are required to write your own generic stack implementation in Java that you will use in questions 2 and 3. (30 marks) a. Create a stack interface S...

  • 1. Do an Ad Hoc Information Retrieval task using TF-IDF weights and cosine similarity scores. Vectors should be based on all the words in the query, after removing the members of a list of stop words...

  • Background Autonomous road vehicles and advanced driver assistance systems are fast becoming a reality. Computer Vision is increasingly being used to allow such vehicles to understand the road envi...

  • Proxy Lab: Writing a Sequential Caching web Proxy 1 Introduction A Web proxy is a program that acts as a middleman between a Web browser and anend server. Instead of contacting the end server dire...

  • This project is primarily concerned with applying the ideas that are being presented in the module on methods and technologies for Mobile Computing. Some of the basic algorithms needed for it have alr...

  • Notes · Please follow both the "Programming Standards" and "project Guidelines" for all work you submit. Programming standards 1-22 are in effect, but see also the notes at the bottom of this pro...

  • The scientific goal is to determine which mutations of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV-1) are associated with drug resistance. The data set, publicly available from the Stanford HIV Drug ...

  • Overview Implement the following files using separate compilation: MyArray.h you.cpp you.h Instructor.cpp Instructor.h Course.cpp Course.h driver.cpp makefile Your submission must automatically...

  • 1主题 这个项目的目标是设计,实施和测试用Java编写的视频游戏。 它将为2到6个玩家编写一个游戏RISK。 项目组最多有3个成员! 2游戏说明 RISK是在包含6片地区和42片领地的世界地图上进行的战略游戏,其中每轮游戏可以有2到6个玩家,游戏将一直持续直到他们达成游戏目标。 2.1游戏目标 游戏目...

  • JAVA 程序设计大 1. 实验内容(40) 1.1 实验简介 《黄金矿工》是一款经典的益智类小游戏。游戏以挖矿为主题,属于策略型单机或联机游戏。本次实验要求完成一个网络联机版的黄金矿工游戏。具体玩法如下: 1) 游戏有 2 个玩家,通过网络 socket 通信,进行协同挖矿。每位玩家均有一个钩子,钩子初始状态为水平状态,按照重力作用进行摆动。玩家通过↓按键...

  • Preamble Some of these questions will be must be handed in for assessment        by the end of April 30th. Detailed submission        instructions will be added in due course. Please c...

  • Introduction This standard defines how your code should be styled for assignments and projects while studying here in the department. By following these conventions, you will...

  • INTRODUCTION In this project, you will design and implement a standard Turing Machine (TM) that simulates MDFAs, where MDFA means Modified DFA that can have 0 transition during a timefr...

  • * 7.1 实验目的 1. 综合本课程 Java SE 部分的内容,集成运用 GUI、多线程、文件 IO、高级类特性、异常处理等知识和技术实现软件的设计和开发。 2. 练习使用 Eclipse 进行 Java 编程和调试。 ...

  • 用JavaSocket编程开发英语六级词汇学习对战游戏 要求: (1) 在网上自行下载英语六级词汇表。存到文件中,格式自定。 (2)该游戏支持两人通过网络对战,测试双方对英语六级词汇的熟悉程度。 (3)首先运行服务器。服务器运行之后,两个客户可以加入对战游戏中。 (4)运行客户端。用户能够输入昵称,确定,则连接到服...

  • Java课程设计 以Java程序语言完成一个课题设计,推荐选题为标准计算器、学生成绩管理系统以及猜数字、俄罗斯方块等各种小游戏,此外还可自拟规模适当的课题。提交及参加审核的内容为Java源代码和一份报告文档。 设计满分为100分,要求如下: 1. 要求具有图形用户界面。 2. 需根据个人的学习状况合理定题。 3. 独立完成(可在...

  • JAVA 航空管理系统 包含欧洲的机场和机场之间航行的飞机。 后者为随机情况,以图像形式展示。 人(GUI), 程序(API) 1、 系统, 实现API 2、 Test harness, 使用API测试系统 3、 基本的GUI, 可以控制和观察到系统运行。必须使用API。 Java Eclip...

  •   String Test Study Guide All those things that you need to know before the Strings test in AP Computer Science.   Because of this new rule, be sure you know how to use the BlueJ ...

  • 代做java红包管理软件 1、 功能要求 春节到了,作为一个老大不小的大学生,在亲人眼里还是有资格收红包的。没办法,由于亲戚朋友众多,为了记录红包的来源信息,以便父母酌情回礼。现在需要各位同学们开发一个红包管理小软件。该软件需要实现如下功能: 1、 红包管理软件必须执行登陆,输入用户名和密码后才能进入到信息管理界面。 2、 可以登记红包的来源明细信息。例如红...

  • 共12个小矩形,放在一个长200,宽80的大矩形中(小矩形长宽如表), 约束条件:11个小矩形不能超出大矩形边界 ,11个小矩形之间不能重叠,11个小矩形之间、小矩形与大矩形之间要有一个固定的间距, 使用遗传算法进行计算,求目标函数是=距离x物流量x成本最小,适应度函数=1/[(距离x物流量x成本)+λ* P] ...

  • 时间: 2018  年3月22日 登录:功能:1、直接显示查询结果,如图二。双击物品信息时,弹出相关对话框,可对物品进行出库、入库操作。同时软件需具有物品最低储备数量提示,可设定物品最低储备量,超过最低储备量时软件可提示相关人员。每行后有选择,选择后通过库存信息表中的库位信息查询库位指令表,通过串口将指令发出。 后台数据库包括: 库位指令表:储存...

  • Recycling and waste management basically includes the waste materials that will be marked as recyclable and transferred to the waste facilities, which was designated in the waste disposal containers a...

  • Introduction Due to the U.S.Prohibition of alcohol,the Great Depression and the publication of the Great Gatsby,the decade of corruption is a good title for the 1920s. ...

  • Question 1 Consider the following problem, used by Land and Doig in their seminal paper: max 77.9x1 + 76.8x2 + 89.6x3 + 97.1y1 + 31.3y2 (1) s.t. ...

  • php或JAVA语言编写后台–服务师,管家。服务师相当于平时的小时工,管家相当于管理多个小时工的工头 a) 服务师头衔–服务师的增删改查,其中添加,查看或编辑服务师的时候需要可选填写:姓名,性别,电话,生日,身份证号,...

  • EECS 233 Programming project #2 Due March 8, 2018 (before 11:59pm EST) In this project, you will implement the Huffman encoding of English characters, using a combined list and binary tree d...

  •   软件设计的计划   要设计的彩票软件分两类,一类是时时彩类(重庆时时彩、台湾时时彩、东京1.5分彩等):它们都是由万千百十个五位数组成,每个位数都是由0至9十个数中的一个。我们从相关网站上读取数据,根据以前的开奖记录和历史,用一些固定的方法(或公式)计划下期每个位置的10个数字中选取其中的5个数字(中奖率50%)。把每个位置的拟购买的计划发送到Q群。另一类为北京赛车(幸运飞艇),十部赛车...

  • 骰子游戏 是非常受欢迎的世界各地。一个非常受欢迎的骰子游戏在美国涉及两个骰子的滚动。如果在骰子7,这是一个赢! 规范 您将编写一个用于骰子游戏的Java程序。编写一个名为Dice的Java类。类应该有一个私有变量,它是骰子上的值。编写getter()和setter()方法来访问这个值。该类还应该有一个名为roll()的...

  • When you have just started to learn the art of paper writing, it is hard to know where to start. Writing papers for your instructor or your school can be time consuming What to pay attention to wh...

  • Java RMI 程序任务(占比 60%) 程序任务包括为一个叫 Banana 的计算机制造商和经销商做一个分布式系统。Banana 公司制造智能手机,笔记本电脑和台式电脑,他们的产品在他们旗下的各家商店中销售。 基本任务: 1.每家 Banana 旗下的商店都有自己的分服务器(Branch server)。分服务器可以存储商店销售的产品和库存。并...

  • In 1860,Lincoln was elected the 16th president of the United States.He successfully kept the country together,which was extremely difficult due to the ideological divide on the slavery issue.The great...

  • February 14th is an important day for lovers. When this day most people will buy roses and chocolates give to the person they like. We called this day Valentines Day. Valentine’s Day is from Europe. H...

  • JAVA Tank Game 课题要求 1)游戏有2个玩家,通(space)过网络socket通信。玩家通过↑,↓,←,→1s控制飞机的上下左右移动,通过空格 控制飞机射击,射击最短间隔为 。 2)游戏至少包含10 架敌方飞机,分为普通飞机、加强飞机和自杀式飞机。普 通飞机和加强飞机移动方向随机,自杀式飞机朝向我方飞机...

  • 0 PartA For each function f from the following list of functions, determine which g makes f(n) is O(g(n)) true1 The point of representing a function in this form is to create the simplest pos...

  • 新算法数据不确定化及距离计算过程 1. 数据预处理:将提供的数据不确定化的过程 对于提供数据集中每一个确定对象(即一条记录)的每一个维度添加均匀分布(/正态分布/二项分布)的噪声。 例1:对4维确定对象X(1,2,3,4),Y(5,6,7,8)对其每一个属性添加均匀分布噪声,加噪后得到不确定对象([1,1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4],[2,2.1,...

  • excel 分别替换 每一行的相同内容的小工具 环境:,需要可以在win上运行也可以在mac上运行,至少A列单词列和A列第一行的内容:D列第一行的内容:can you 我想把A1一模一样的 I ? you 以此类推,do 的话,把 do 全部替换成?,每一行替换的内容都不一样。直到把D列的每一行都替换完成 界面需求: excel文档 ...

  • 课题名称:摇号抽奖程序 课题要求: ①基本要求:设计用于摇号抽奖的软件程序,在一个文本文件中放入参加抽奖人的姓名或是学号或是手机号码。按下开始按钮,抽奖开始,在软件中可以将这些抽奖人信息快速地滚动显示在界面上,当按下停止按钮时,滚动显示停止,显示出一个中奖人的信息。抽奖过程可以重复进行。 ②提高要求:抽奖人的信息滚动可以具备随机性以保障公平;...

  • 《软件综合设计》 《软件综合设计》 一、题目:家谱管理系统 二、设计要求 (1)刘文秀(组长)、姜雪和岳奉宜组成课程设计小组。 (2)小组成员分工协作完成。要求每个成员有自己相对独立的模块,,同时要了解其他组员完成的内容。 ...

  • XX 公司员工出勤管理系统 一、系统概述 公司如何对人才进行有效的管理,提高公司利益是每一个公司管理者必须考虑的问题,制订有效的管理制度是一个管理人才的行之有效的办法。现要为一个公司实现一个考勤管理系统,考勤一般与工资等利益相关的事物挂钩,因此,考勤可能会涉及到比较多的内容。以考勤类型来说,有迟到早退、不正常上班、出差、请假、旷工等。在...

  • 一、语言和环境 A、实现语言 Java语言,SQL语言 B、环境要求 JDK 7.0、MyEclipse10、SQLServer 2005/MySQL 二、功能要求 开发基于控制台的购书系统。(除创建数据库,数据表之外,其他功能均在MyEclipse平台中,用Java语言实现)具体要求如下: 1、创建数据库Books,包含以下表格:...

  • 一、内容编写 Java 的 GUI 程序,完成选课信息管理。 课程信息存储在文件 courses.txt 中,每门课程信息包括课程名、课程编号、课程学分、主讲讲师姓名、上课地点(假设每门课程的上课地点是唯一的)、课程的其他信息(如多少实验课时、多少理论课时等)。 文件 courses.txt 的示...

  • Background You are on work experience at Coles QLD Head Office. Over a morning tea break a discussion begins about the bad press plastic bags have...

  • 附件里面有5个类,要改的是 (1)world这个类。这个类下面有 public Image turnLeft() public Image turnRight() public Image moveForwards() 三个方法,能不能把这三个方法提出来,放在一个叫turn的类里?这三个方法在WorldController这个类的 ...

  • In this project, you create a text-menu-driven program that reads text files and manipulates the input as directed by the user via the text menu. In addition, the program will both display the mo...

  • ·Develop a set of servlets and JSP pages that demonstrate: ·Facility with netbeans as a development environment ·Scriplet code in a JSP page ·Business logic in a servlet ·Request dispatchin...

  • Specifications: 1.Standard telephone keypads contain the digits zero through nine. The numbers two through nine each have 3~4 letters (case insensitive) associated with them. Many people find i...

  • Java面向对象程序设计大题目 一、目的 1、 掌握用Java实现面向对象程序设计的基本方法 。 2、 熟练掌握Java程序开发环境的使用。 3、 完成一个应用程序的设计、编码、调试,了解程序设计过程,锻炼实际应用能力,为后续课程打下基础。 二、内容 (一)教材:Java游戏编程开发教程(ISBN:9787302419914)郑秋生、夏敏捷、杨关等.清华大学出版社 ...

  • 概要: 设计一个研究不同协议protocol下,基于UDP在应用层application layer实现端对端end-to-end的可靠的信息传输。 要求用JAVA实现三个不同的滑动窗口协议sliding window protocols: Stop-and-wait, Go Back N和Selective Repeat,在应用层,使用UDP接口。注意stop-and-wa...

  • 实验编号 exp07 * 7.1 实验目的 1. 综合本课程 Java SE 部分的内容,集成运用 GUI、多线程、文件 IO、高级类特性、异常处理等知识和技术实现软件的设计和开发。 2. 练习使用 Ecli...

  • 用JavaSocket编程开发英语六级词汇学习对战游戏 要求: (1) 在网上自行下载英语六级词汇表。存到文件中,格式自定。 (2)该游戏支持两人通过网络对战,测试双方对英语六级词汇的熟悉程度。 (3)首先运行服务器。服务器运行之后,两个客户可以加入对战游戏中。 (4)运行客户端。用户能够输入昵称,确定,则连...

  • Java课程设计 以Java程序语言完成一个课题设计,推荐选题为标准计算器、学生成绩管理系统以及猜数字、俄罗斯方块等各种小游戏,此外还可自拟规模适当的课题。提交及参加审核的内容为Java源代码和一份报告文档。 设计满分为100分,要求如下: 1. 要求具有图形用户界面。 2. 需根据个人的学习状况合理定题。 3. 独立完成(可在一定程度上参考网络及参考书等资源)...

  • JAVA 航空管理系统 包含欧洲的机场和机场之间航行的飞机。 后者为随机情况,以图像形式展示。 人(GUI), 程序(API) 1、 系统, 实现API 2、 Test harness, 使用API测试系统 3、 基本的GUI, 可以控制和观察到系统运行。必须使用API。 Java Eclip...

  • java红包管理软件 1、功能要求 春节到了,作为一个老大不小的大学生,在亲人眼里还是有资格收红包的。没办法,由于亲戚朋友众多,为了记录红包的来源信息,以便父母酌情回礼。现在需要各位同学们开发一个红包管理小软件。该软件需要实现如下功能: 1、红包管理软件必须执行登陆,输入用户名和密码后才能进入到信息管理界面。 2、可以登记红包的来源明细信息。例如红包金额、时...

  • 共12个小矩形,放在一个长200,宽80的大矩形中(小矩形长宽如表), 约束条件:11个小矩形不能超出大矩形边界 ,11个小矩形之间不能重叠,11个小矩形之间、小矩形与大矩形之间要有一个固定的间距, 使用遗传算法进行计算,求目标函数是=距离x物流量x成本最小,适应度函数=1/[(距离x物流量x成本)+λ* P] ...

  • _________________________________________________________ Overview This semester you have a single project topic in two parts (Part A and B) project Part A (15%) due 9:00AM Mon. 4th Sept 2017...

  • JAVA Tank Game 课题要求 1)游戏有2个玩家,通(space)过网络socket通信。玩家通过↑,↓,←,→1s控制飞机的上下左右移动,通过空格 控制飞机射击,射击最短间隔为 。 2)游戏至少包含10 架敌方飞机,分为普通飞机、加强飞机和自杀式飞机。普 通飞机和加强飞机移动方向随机,自杀式飞机朝...

  • 0 PartA For each function f from the following list of functions, determine which g makes f(n) is O(g(n)) true1 The point of representing a function in this form is to create the simplest...

  • 新算法数据不确定化及距离计算过程 1. 数据预处理:将提供的数据不确定化的过程 对于提供数据集中每一个确定对象(即一条记录)的每一个维度添加均匀分布(/正态分布/二项分布)的噪声。 例1:对4维确定对象X(1,2,3,4),Y(5,6,7,8)对其每一个属性添加均匀分布噪声,加噪后得到不确定对象([1,1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4],[2,2.1,...

  • 详细需求 excel 分别替换 每一行的相同内容的小工具 环境:Java,需要可以在windows上运行也可以在mac上运行,至少可以兼容excel2015 用途:我做单词卡的时候直接从词典导入的。卡的正面显示单词,背面显示意思。通过配对单词和意思来测试,但是有的意思里有整个单词,没办法起到测试效果,所以想把意思里...

  • 课题名称:摇号抽奖程序 课题要求: ①基本要求:设计用于摇号抽奖的软件程序,在一个文本文件中放入参加抽奖人的姓名或是学号或是手机号码。按下开始按钮,抽奖开始,在软件中可以将这些抽奖人信息快速地滚动显示在界面上,当按下停止按钮时,滚动显示停止,显示出一个中奖人的信息。抽奖过程可以重复进行。 ②提高要求:抽奖人的信息滚动可以具备随机性以保障公平;可以同时显示抽...

  • Background You are on work experience at Coles QLD Head Office. Over a morning tea break a discussion begins about the bad press plastic bags have been getting. The negatives of the...

  • 附件里面有5个类,要改的是 (1)world这个类。这个类下面有 public Image turnLeft() public Image turnRight() public Image moveForwards() 三个方法,能不能把这三个方法提出来,放在一个叫turn的类里?这三个方法在WorldController这个类的 ...

  • Problem Statement: Your project to design and Implement an Algorithm is Java to perform the following. . Addition and Multiplication of the arrays.. Below is the statement multiplying 2 matrice...

  • Big Program 2: TextManipulator In this project, you create a text-menu-driven program that reads text files and manipulates the input as directed by the user via the text menu. In addition, the ...

  • · Develop a set of servlets and JSP pages that demonstrate: · Facility with netbeans as a development environment · Scriplet code in a JSP page · Business logic in a servlet · Request ...

  • Project2 Due Saturday, 10/21, by 11:59PM. This is an individual project and you are required to work on this project alone. You can ask the Instructor for help but not for debugging your code....

  • Java面向对象程序设计大题目 一、目的 1、 掌握用Java实现面向对象程序设计的基本方法 。 2、 熟练掌握Java程序开发环境的使用。 3、 完成一个应用程序的设计、编码、调试,了解程序设计过程,锻炼实际应用能力,为后续课程打下基础。 二、内容 (一)教材:Java游戏编程开发教程(ISBN:9787302419914)郑秋生、夏敏捷、杨关等.清华大学出版社 ...

  • 概要: 设计一个研究不同协议protocol下,基于UDP在应用层application layer实现端对端end-to-end的可靠的信息传输。 要求用JAVA实现三个不同的滑动窗口协议sliding window protocols: Stop-and-wait, Go Back N和Selective Repeat,在应用层,使用UDP接口。注意stop-and-wa...

  • _________________________________________________________ Overview This semester you have a single project topic in two parts (Part A and B) project Part A (15%) due 9:00AM Mon. 4th Sept 2017...

  • 从这里开始你的python案例服务,您将会获得一个A+的成绩。 首先如果您是一个初学者,您必须了解python是干什么的,有什么作用,我们如何更好的使用它来完成我们的工作。 Python特点 1、Python使用C语言开发,但是Python不再有C语言中的指针等复杂的数据类型。 2、Python具有很强的面向对象特性,而且简化了面向对象的实现。它消除了保护类型、抽象类、...

  • Written project 1. We have four data privacy techniques: 1. k-anonymity 2. Differential privacy 3. Secure multiparty computation 4. Private information retrieval For eac...

  • project 4 Week 1 Northern California Temperature Anomaly In this project, we'll look at some climate change data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (the US government age...

  • INFO1112 project 2018 Due Week 11, Monday 15th October at 12PM (Noon) This project is worth 20% of your overall grade for the course. Assessment The project will be marked...

  • 智能系统原理与开发Lab1 声明 · 开发语言不限, 可以使用一些预处理和方便数学计算的库,例如 numpy,不能使用深度学习框架 · 对于手写汉字分–类的任务,目录中提供训练集,测试集将在面试的时候给出 · 出现抄袭现象,抄袭双方均按零分计 · 请严格按照 deadline 提交 ...

  • Please submit one project answer set for your group, along with individual versions of your code for each member of the team. Groups are expected to work together, but all individuals are expected to ...

  • Please submit one homework answer set for your group, along with individual versions of your code for each member of the team. Groups are expected to work together, but all individuals are expected...

  • Please submit one homework answer set for your group, along with individual print-outs of your code for each member of the team. Groups are expected to work together, but all individuals are expect...

  • Part A: Literary Scrabble [50 marks] Part B has four supporting functions and three questions. Word Analysis functions Marks Criteria /12 def create_wordlist(): Solu...

  • CSCE 101 project #4: Travel Management System, Python Classes Due Friday, March 9, 11:59pm, via Canvas. In the Files folder is a folder named project4, it contains: 1. A Python program, na...

  • COMP 2019 project 2 – Machine Learning Please submit your solution via LEARNONLINE. Submission instructions are given at the end of this project. This assessment is due on Sunday, 10 June 2...

  • 目标是实现R树。每份提交的内容将根据正确性和效率进行分级。文档的其余部分解释了细节。 您的提交将如何进行测试:您将获得一个包含2D点的数据集。数据集将以文本文件格式提供,格式如下: n id_1 x_1 y_1 id_2 x_2 y_2 … id_n x_n y_n 具体来说,第一行给出数据集中的点数。然后,每一个后续的行都给出一...

  • A Dolphin Population Model Build a model for a dolphin population over 150 years. Model Assumptions and Input: • Dolphins live for an average of 35 years, with a standard deviation of σ = ...

  • Level 3 The Level 3 requirements concentrate on being able to log in and out of the application and see a page customised for the user. To meet this level you must implement another...

  • Level 2 In this phase you will write a basic version of the web application that can display but not create job listings. This means we don't yet have to worry about login ...

  • Level 1 For this level you must write a simple web application that generates two pages. You are given a set of requirements below, these are encoded in a set of tests (level1_functional.py ...

  • COMP249 project: Job Board Web Application This semester we will be writing a simple job board application called Jobs! that allows users to post job position descriptions. To give you an idea...

  • 从这里开始你的python案例服务,您将会获得一个A+的成绩。 首先如果您是一个初学者,您必须了解python是干什么的,有什么作用,我们如何更好的使用它来完成我们的工作。 Python特点 1、Python使用C语言开发,但是Python不再有C语言中的指针等复杂的数据类型。 2、Python具有很强的面向对象特性,而且简化了面向对象的实现。它消除了保护类型、抽象类、...

  • Total points: 75 (+15 bonus) project 3 Due: 30th Nov, 2018 (Fri) Written project 1. We have four data privacy techniques: 1. k-anonymity 2. Differential privacy 3. Secure m...

  • project 4 Week 1 Northern California Temperature Anomaly In this project, we'll look at some climate change data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (the US government age...

  • INFO1112 project 2018 Due Week 11, Monday 15th October at 12PM (Noon) This project is worth 20% of your overall grade for the course. Assessment The project will be marked...

  • 北京邮电学院毕业设计(论文)任务书案例微博意见领袖自动识别系统研究与实现北京邮电学院毕业设计(论文)任务书 姓名 学号 14180125 专业 物联网工程 系(院) 通信与信息工程 设计(论文)题目 微博意见领袖自动识别系统研究与实现 题目分类 □ 工程设计;□工程技术研究;■软件工程(如CAI课题等);□...

  • 智能系统原理与开发Lab1 声明 · 开发语言不限, 可以使用一些预处理和方便数学计算的库,例如 numpy,不能使用深度学习框架 · 对于手写汉字分–类的任务,目录中提供训练集,测试集将在面试的时候给出 · 出现抄袭现象,抄袭双方均按零分计 · 请严格按照 deadline 提交 ...

  • Please submit one homework answer set for your group, along with individual versions of your code for each member of the team. Groups are expected to work together, but all individuals are expect...

  • Please submit one homework answer set for your group, along with individual versions of your code for each member of the team. Groups are expected to work together, but all individuals are expec...

  • Please submit one homework answer set for your group, along with individual print-outs of your code for each member of the team. Groups are expected to work together, but all individuals are expe...

  • One of the requirements for CS-521 is the final project (20% of the grade). The project must be done individually. This is an opportunity for you to be creative in solving a problem that is of inte...

  • Part A: Literary Scrabble [50 marks] Part B has four supporting functions and three questions. Word Analysis functions Marks Criteria /12 def create_wordlist(): Solution...

  • CSCE 101 project #4: Travel Management System, Python Classes Due Friday, March 9, 11:59pm, via Canvas. In the Files folder is a folder named project4, it contains: 1. A Python program, na...

  • COMP 2019 project 2 – Machine Learning Please submit your solution via LEARNONLINE. Submission instructions are given at the end of this project. This assessment is worth 20% of the total m...

  • Learning Outcomes: On successful completion of this assessment item a student will have demonstrated competence in the following areas: · [LO1] explain the key concepts in the four main progra...

  • 目标是实现R树。每份提交的内容将根据正确性和效率进行分级。文档的其余部分解释了细节。 您的提交将如何进行测试:您将获得一个包含2D点的数据集。数据集将以文本文件格式提供,格式如下: n id_1 x_1 y_1 id_2 x_2 y_2 … id_n x_n y_n 具体来说,第一行给出数据集中的点数。然后,每一个后续的行都给出一...

  • Description In this project, you will use Dijkstra's algorithm to solve a shortest path problem in the context of a 2D game. In this game, an avatar moves inside a building that has walls, doorway...

  • Level 3 The Level 3 requirements concentrate on being able to log in and out of the application and see a page customised for the user. To meet this level you must implement another set of pro...

  • Level 2 In this phase you will write a basic version of the web application that can display but not create job listings. This means we don't yet have to worry about login and sessions but...

  • Level 1 For this level you must write a simple web application that generates two pages. You are given a set of requirements below, these are encoded in a set of tests (level1_functional.py ...

  • project: Job Board Web Application This semester we will be writing a simple job board application called Jobs! that allows users to post job position descriptions. To give you an idea of what...

  • 任务书填写要求 1.毕业设计任务书由指导教师根据各课题的具体情况填写,经学生所在学院的负责人审查、负责人签字后生效。此任务书应在毕业设计开始前一周内填好并发给学生; 2.任务书内容必须用黑墨水笔工整书写或按教务处统一设计的电子文档标准格式(可从教务处网页上下载)打印,不得随便涂改或潦草书写,禁止打印在其它纸上后剪贴; 3.任务书内填写的...

  • ANLY550{Spring, 2018 Python Programming project 1 Overview: The purpose of this project is to experience some of the problems involved with imple-menting an algorithm (in this case, a mini...

  • 投资组合管理:基于Markowitz理论和国际资产定价模型理论 你的姓名 华南理工大学广州学院 经济学院 国际经济与贸易1(2)班 指导教师 王金鹏 (说明:红色字体为操作说明,阅读后请删除,蓝色字体需要被相应内容替换) (有关数据呈现方式:使用Excel计算的结果,通过改变单元格格式—数字—科学计数—小数位4位,案例Matlab则先将数据导入到Excel中,然...

  • QUESTION 1 Following a weekend drive to Noosa Sunshine Coast to test out his new BMW X6 car, Mr Jack Bourne identified his ‘dream’ retirement home at the end of 2010. The property...

  • Financial Econometrics and Empirical Finance Fall 2018 HW4 Due: Before November 26, 2018, 8am. 导读:这是一篇关于金融计量使用matlab案例的案例,它包含了回答问题的案例, 也包含了matlab代码实现,包括完整的报告,这个作为展示部分,并不能完全使用它 因为他的案例报告部分...

  • 概观:商科以FAME(金融、会计、管理、经济学)四大专业为代表,有很多分支学科,根据学校的不同,所设专业也不同。10年内,许多人都选择留学学习商科。 因为这个学科招女孩子喜欢,也有很多交叉学科,所学专业也是混合性质的! 商科排名介绍 2016排名 2015排名 学校名称 国家 加权薪水期望 薪水提升期望 1 4 欧洲工商管理学院 法国/新加坡 $166...

  • 2013高教社杯全国大学生数学建模竞赛 (请先阅读“全国大学生数学建模竞赛论文格式规范”) D题 公共自行车服务系统 公共自行车作为一种低碳、环保、节能、健康的出行方式,正在全国许多城市迅速推广与普及。在公共自行车服务系统中,自行车租赁的站点位置及各站点自行车锁桩和自行车数量的配置,对系统的运行效率与用户的满意度有重要的影响。 附件1为浙江省温州市鹿...

  • General Instructions: 0 You can work in groups of NO MORE than 3. 0 Log in to WRDS (https://wrds-sol1.wharton.upenn.edu/) and go to CRSP à CRSP/Compustat Merged à Fundamentals Annual ...

  • HW 2: Due Wed February 14 by 6:00 pm January 31, 2018 In class we found the portfolio returns for FMAGX (Fidelity Magellan) using fund holdings data (and stock returns data) that I p...

  • Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management Case 2 Ada Lam is the founder and sole stockholder of AL Gifts, Co. Ltd., Ada is a recent divorcee and realizes that her finances may need to be...

  • 投资组合管理:基于Markowitz理论和国际资产定价模型理论 你的姓名 华南理工大学广州学院 经济学院 国际经济与贸易1(2)班 指导教师 王金鹏 (说明:红色字体为操作说明,阅读后请删除,蓝色字体需要被相应内容替换) (有关数据呈现方式:使用Excel计算的结果,通过改变单元格格式—数字—科学计数—小数位4位,案例Matlab则先将数据导入到Excel中,然...

  • 摘要:这是一个经济学的微观经济的案例,它的报告最多为16页A4页,不超过3 800字。页数限制包括标题页、目录、执行摘要、结论以及主要表格和对角线。 包含在报告正文中的ms。字数和页数限制不包括参考清单和附录(例如,这些可能包含有佐证的假设和计算)。中的任何材料 主要报告中必须提及附录。 This project contributes to 25% of the total sub...

  • 这是关于金融投资的理论题目,包括计算相关回答问题推导,结合资料教程来刷题,他是来自北美的案例,供大家参考类型。我们擅长此类问题的回答! QUESTION 1 Following a weekend drive to Noosa Sunshine Coast to test out his new BMW X6 car, Mr Jack Bourne identified his ‘...

  • Financial Econometrics and Empirical Finance Fall 2018 HW4 Due: Before November 26, 2018, 8am. 导读:这是一篇关于金融计量使用matlab的案例,它包含了回答问题的, 也包含了matlab代码实现,包括完整的报告,这个作为展示部分,并不能完全使用它 因为他的报告部分是不完整的,...

  • ECONOMICS project #1 2018/2019 · DUE: By Friday October 5, 2:00 PM. Completed projects should be placed in the slot marked for your section in the white project collection box on the 2n...

  • Capstone Project Advanced International Trade Theory and Policy Final Project This final project is intended to bring together the conceptual ideas about international trade presented in...

  • 2013高教社杯全国大学生数学建模竞赛 (请先阅读“全国大学生数学建模竞赛论文格式规范”) D题 公共自行车服务系统 公共自行车作为一种低碳、环保、节能、健康的出行方式,正在全国许多城市迅速推广与普及。在公共自行车服务系统中,自行车租赁的站点位置及各站点自行车锁桩和自行车数量的配置,对系统的运行效率与用户的满意度有重要的影响。 附件1为浙江省温州市鹿...

  • Week 2 project: R Class – for this project, you will have the opportunity to practice many of the R concepts introduced. You will also have the opportunity to learn several new R libraries inc...

  • In class we found the portfolio returns for FMAGX (Fidelity Magellan) using fund holdings data (and stock returns data) that I provided. In this exercise you will download holdings data from EDGA...

  • Wireshark Lab: HTTP v7.0 Supplement to Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, 7th ed., J.F. Kurose and K.W. Ross “Tell me and I forget. Show me and I remember. Involve me and I understand...

  • project 1 (from Lab 2) – Google App Engine Python Task-1 [3 marks] Make necessary modifications in the code of Lab 2 so that your Guestbook application the Greeting data structure also c...

  • 驴行旅游系统 (Donkey Kong Travelling System) 1. 简介(Overview) 简介:驴行网(Donkey Kong,以下简称驴行)是一家优秀的的旅游网站,帮助旅行者发现每次旅行中的更多精彩。该网站向用户提供根据旅游信息和相关预定服务(包括各城市景点、酒店、美食、旅行者游记等),提供超过650万个住宿、景点和餐厅信息,汇集众智帮助旅行者...

  • PHP 这个程序主要为了帮助学生学习,提供一个平台给他们。这个程序同时需要连接数据库。 有三种不同用户,分别是需要帮助的学生(mentee),学生导师(mentor)和网站管理(administrator)。 在校学生用学生 ID(我们学校的学生卡号),姓氏和名字登陆这个程序,所有人一开始都会被默认为“需要帮助的学生”(mentee),这些“需要帮助的学生”会被系统自...

  • 一、设计目的 设计是教学中的一项重要内容,是完成教学计划达到教学目标的重要环节,是教学计划中综合性较强的实践教学环节,它对帮助学生全面牢固地掌握课堂教学内容,培养学生的实践和实际动手能力,提高学生全面素质具有很重要的意义。 二、设计内容 1. 选择一个应用程序,开发语言为JAVA,或者是动态网页。应用程序必须已经实现了整个项目中的1-2个功能。 2. 对应用程序写出需求分析及功能的...

  • project TOPSHEET COMPUTER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Unit Name : Systems Development and Modern Database Practices Student’s Full names: Student ID Unit Co-ordinator’s Name: ...

  • Spatial Databases and Data Management project 1 PART A System Specification Warehouse facilities management limited is newly contracted to manage a warehouse of a sports compan...

  • Database Design and Creation Your answer should be structured according to the guidance below – failure to do this will result in lost marks – you should include a clear table of contents show...

  • project 2 – Spatial Data Management Submission Method: § Paper copy to be submitted to the Departmental Office. § Digital copy to be submitted via Turnitin (as a zip file, including the docu...

  • CS348 – Project 2 PL/SQL Project Due in Blackboard: 11:59PM, Thursday April 5, 2018. Any Late Day will be penalized by 10% of the grade until a maximum of 5 days, after which the project will ...

  • Task 1 The database for Pulse Learning is modelled in Figure 1. The diagram is based on the information provided by Pulse Learning. image.png Task 2 The relational model of X databas...

  • : 标签:Data Analysis案例, Data science案例, r project案例, r project案例, R script案例, R studio案例, RMarkdown案例, r案例, r语言案例, statistics案例, 数据科学案例, 统计案例 R homework案例 Complete the following problems below using R...

  • R project案例 Problem 1 This problem involves the OJ data set which is part of the ISLR package. BIA-656 – project 4 Problem 1 This problem involves the OJ data set which is part of the IS...

  • 策略预测案例 The makers of “Cats Love It” cat litter are facing a serious problem. BIA 654 Project 7 Recall this exercise (from Homework 6, Problem 1) which was inspired by a real problem described ...

  • r编程案例 提交相關 R 代碼(.r 文件)、分析報告(word 文件),打包在同壹個壓縮文件內,並以學號命名此壓縮文件。 要求: 1、時間:第 15 周課堂交作業 2、內容:提交相關 R 代碼(.r 文件)、分析報告(word 文件),打包在同壹個壓縮文件內,並以學號命名此壓縮文件。 作業二 r编程案例r编程案例 文件“Smarket.csv” 為 2001~...

  • r time series案例 The objective of the presentation and paper is for you to apply the tools you have developed in your applied microeconomics class to analyze a microeconomic issue of your choice. R...

  • RMarkdown案例 In this project you will demonstrate how to use Method of Moments and Maximum Likelihood Estimation to find parameters of a distribution for which you believe were used in the data generat...

  • 2018年高教社杯全国大学生数学建模竞赛题目 (请先阅读“全国大学生数学建模竞赛论文格式规范”) A题 高温项目专用服装设计 在高温环境下工作时,人们需要穿着专用服装以避免灼伤。专用服装通常由三层织物材料构成,记为I、II、III层,其中I层与外界环境接触,III层与皮肤之间还存在空隙,将此空隙记为IV层。 为设计专用服装,将体内温度控制在37ºC的假人放置...

  • project 1: A Matlab program for a 3D structure Please refer the attached 2D frame program (Appendix A) with line-by-line explanations to develop a Matlab program for a 3D Frame, whose nodal and...

  • Wifi无线上网手机端APP需求文档 1 引言 1.1 编写目的 实现客户通过APP付费后,可以接入cmcc网络,客户实现上网; 1.2 项目背景 目前我们这里有大量中国移动cmcc的上网账号和密码,出售给客户使用, 现在想销售模式,...

  • 同学们好, 本学期的大项目是需要同学们实现一款基于Android手机的排课系统。涉及到手机端的逻辑和服务器端的逻辑。简要要求如下: 每个家长对应的孩子会选择若干课外课程,每个课程有若干助教选择。每个孩子和助教的时间安排和地点安排都各不相同。你们要实现的系统,需要综合考虑学生、助教的时间安排,合理安排课程。安排的结果一定不允许违背每个学生和助教的时间和地点限定。这个项目需要你们从界面...

  • Instructions Please either 1) typeset your answers in LATEX and submit a PDF file through Piazza, or else 2) write answers by hand and turn in a physical copy in class, 3) write answers by hand and...

  • Instructions Please either 1) typeset your answers in LN multiple correct answers, then each correct answer is worth 1/N points for every wrong answer you circle. The total cannot go n...

  • Physics 307 Project 7 Due Tuesday, 13 November, at 5 PM Progress report due 6 November before class This project is the first of three parts. I encourage you to try to finish this project ahead ...

  • In this homework project, you will simulate the Earth going around the Sun, and then generalize your work to other orbits. There is a hints section at the end. To review the discussion in class: ...

  • Now we will graduate to second-order differential equations, and solve a DE that we can’t do with pen and paper. The equation of motion for a pendulum is ∂2θ g ∂t2 = −L sin...

  • PD3 Career Planning Reflection Task 1 Values Audit In my opinion, responsibility, initiative, friendship, loyalty, leadership is the five important values in life. If you have these five...

  • Designing and Implementing Environment Monitoring System with CORBA Table of contents 1. System Design 4 1.1 Design Overview 4 1.2 Main Components 5 1.3 Use Cases 5 1.4 Class Des...

  • You are provided with historical sales data for 45 Walmart stores located in different regions. Each store contains many departments. The goal is to predict the future weekly sales for each department...

  • You are provided with a data set consisting of 50,000 IMDB movie reviews, where each review is labelled as positive or negative. The goal is to build a binary classification model to predict the senti...

  • 要求约稿单 为规范买卖双方的义务与权力,请亲认真填写本约稿单并将亲能想到的一切稿件要求都详细列出,附上所有稿件相关资料用一个压缩文件包一并发送给售后 ,我们将严格按照亲的要求写作。 郑重声明:若亲在约稿后提出的新要求与该单不符,我们将不予修改!若修改要求超过3个月,我们将不予修改! 稿件字数:A4纸40页 包含30页内容 10页图片图表之类的 (请注明中英语) 交稿...

  • ASSESSMENT FOR THE MODULE There are two assessments for this module One Individual “blog” of a 1000 words    (20% of the module mark) One end of module essay of 3,000 word...

  • VHDL 这是一篇关于案例VHDL 的案例,这是一些理论期末的题目,旨在考试前复习作为考试资料的目的的案例,充分在考试前复习是对每个考生来说是非常重要的,里面的考点有关理论,案例运用,和vhdl只是的掌握。 什么是VHDL(百度百科)?简述VHDL的发展史。 答: VHDL是美国国防部为电子项目设计承包商提供的,签定合同使用的,电子系统硬件描述语言。1983年成立V...

  • GLIDING IN SPACE project for all students of Systems, Networks and Concurrency 2018 This is a carefully evaluated and marked project. Thus extra care is expected on all levels. Overvie...

  • Case 2: AllSeasons AllSeasons is an employment agency providing casual staff to the hospitality industry. Client businesses are across the range: pubs, clubs, restaurants, night clu...

  • 这里是CS专业 Computer Science 计算机科学常用计算机术语整理。 为了使您更好理解计算机所用到的单词,对您有特别好的帮助! 1.filen. 文件;v. 保存文件 2.commandn.命令,指令 3.usev. 使用,用途 4.programn.程序 5.linen. (数据,程序)行,线路...

  • 31263 / 32004 Game Programming Lab Week 2 Getting Started 1. Download the corresponding week’s zip file from the Lab section of UTSOnline. 2. Unzip the project folder and open it in U...

  • Haskell project Programming and Paradigms, Dr. Pierpaolo Dondio Due Date: 22 December 2017 (15% of total exam marks) Define the following Haskell functions. Always include the function...

  • project 1 – v2 project 1 requires one practical project: An implementation of the Echo distributed broadcast algorithm, extended to determine the size of the network. // string -> int diction...

  • Word Frequency Table Finding the most common words in a text file is a famous “programming pearl”, originally posed by Jon Bentley (1984). Several interesting solutions have been proposed by Knuth (...

  • Requirements Document Application title: Tech Gadgets App Purpose: The Tech Gadgets app shows the top five technology gifts on your wish list. Algorithms: 1. The opening (welcome) scre...

  • Homework project 6 1. In Coq: This problem deals with the property of binary trees presented in the second part of the video recording Induction and Recursion. Run the presented Coq proof, explain...

  • 每个咖啡馆都有自己的系统显示的菜单。 将会有一个“食品和饮料主清单”。该列表将包含可能出现在菜单上的唯一项目。 每位咖啡店经理将负责选择将出现在其咖啡馆菜单上的“食品和饮料主列表”中的项目(即The Ref的经理可以选择出现在参考菜单上的项目,但不适用于Lazenbys或交易表菜单)。 董事会董事: ·将控制在UTas咖啡馆提供的食物,所以将是唯一可以创建和修...

  • Algorithms project 3 This project has 5 problems plus a problem for extra credit (no penalty if you do not attempt it, additional bonus marks if you solve it). Some hints and tips: • Read t...

  • project 2 Problem: Design a class that can be used to keep score information for a rugby team using TDD. Requirements: //Team object constructor public Team(string newTeamName) ...

  • 计算方法 编辑 DMI指标的计算方法和过程比较复杂,它涉及到DM、TR、DX等几个计算指标和+DI(即PDI,下同)、-DI(即MDI,下同)、ADX和ADXR等4个研判指标的运算。 1、计算的基本程序 以计算日DMI指标为例,其运算的基本程序主要为: (1)按一定的规则比较每日股价波动产生的最高价、最低价和收盘价,计算出每日股价的波动的真实波幅、上升...

  • 红色字体为要求, 1、建工程文件S0101张三 S学号后4位+姓名,请根据自己的来建立 , 2、运行结果截图上要有 S0101张三 之类的信息 ,结果不要雷同。 3、以学号姓名为文件夹,然后建文件夹“线性表”,将实验3线性表中的三个文件“线性表实验报告.doc” 程序文件SqList.h SqListApp.cpp 放进去。其他实验同样操作。 实验1 线性表...

  • 银行存款利率上浮对存款影响的统计分析 商业银行作为以货币资金为经营对象的经济主体,其货币资金实力的大小直接决定了商业银行的经营规模、经营效益以及风险承受能力。而商业银行经营资金中自有资本占比很小,存款是其主要资金来源,储蓄存款以基数大,成本低,稳定性高等特点一直是商业银行最重要的资金来源。因此自商业银行创立以来,储蓄存款一直是商业银行的立行之本。本文对传统货币...

  • Finance Question 1. a) The Federal Reserve Bank of the USA has stated that it will undertake quantitative easing of $40 billion per month. Why has the Federal Reserv...

  • 2016级数字媒体技术专业2016-2017学年夏学期实验报告要求 2016级数字媒体技术专业1-3班的夏学期课程安排为程序设计拓展实训。要求两人一组进行项目实践:每班各24组,共72组。要求从有关网站上爬取与山西文化、旅游景点、民俗、民间故事、特色小吃等有关的文字或图片数据,然后把数据以合适的方式进行可视化。每班最多有两组可以主题相同,考核需要提交一份实验报告,共分为六部分,具...

  • 离散数学实验指导 2017年9月 目 录 实验一、真值表计算 3 实验二、集合运算 4 实验三、关系的性质实验 6 实验四、关系的闭包运算 9 实验五、等价类实验 10 实验六、函数实...

  • 系统基本信息 就诊卡信息 : 卡号,姓名,密码,余额 药品基本信息:药品代码,药品名称,单价 挂号单信息:  卡号,姓名,序号,科室,医生姓名,就诊房间,门诊状态,日期(当天有效) 治疗单 :     卡号,治疗项目、费用,治疗状态 取药单 :     卡号,药品代码,数量,费用,取药状态 功能要求 (1)用户管理 用户权限设置。 用户...

  • Web综合实验_银行系统 实验题目 现需要开发一个《XXX银行个人网上银行系统》 此系统主要包含如下的业务: 1、 客户登录认证。 2、 账户查询(存款余额查询、交易记录查询)。 3、 转账业务处理(本行单笔转账)。 (一) 客...

  • 、 题目1:模拟oschina news制作相似网页 实验目的:综合运用html+css进行网页制作 实验要求: 1、模拟oschina news制作相似网页; 2、掌握使用浮动和定位来布局网页; 3、掌握CSS布局上下居中,左右居中; 4、掌握背景图片和图标的使用; 4、熟练操作...

  • Python程序设计项目 题目:猜数游戏。 游戏规则如下: (1)设置游戏级别:初级P(数在0 ~ 9之间);中级M(数在0 ~ 99之间);高级H(数在0 ~ 999之间); 程序运行显示游戏级别,当游戏者输入相应级别符号后,进入程序模块(2);(5分) (2)每次游戏计算机产生相应级别的随机数,由游戏者输入所猜数值(游戏者最多能够猜10次);(30分) ...

  • 项目背景内容介绍: (综合人口生成)的步骤,对于该地区的每个人,我们现在知道了他属于哪个家庭,他的年龄,职业状况,等等社会特征。根据另一组数据源建立的 markov chain,我们也知道他每一天的各个时段在哪里做什么(每 我们假设,只要一个家里(Household)有至少一个人在家,家里的供暖系统就...

  • 《.net程序设计》考核要求 考核占课程总成绩50%,考核采取作品设计的形式,在规定的一周时间内(2018.1.5上交)设计具有较强功能的软件系统。 一、作品设计考核(共100分) 1.使用C# 设计,在D盘的Department目录下建立项目,在debug文件夹下建立文本文件“user.txt”和“dept.txt”,分别存放用户信息和部门信息; ...

  • 1. 题目 ieFunds是一家共同基金公司,出售投资于纽交所,纳斯达克或上交所上市股票的封闭式基金。 ieFunds正计划实施一项基金评估软件,该软件具有以下功能: a) 股票数据获取和存储。从网上取得指定股票的最近三年股价,存入本地数据库。 b) 创建基金。基金经理可以创建一个新的基金,说明基金的创建日期,初始股票和净资产值(NAV),以及基金投...

  • 0.1 以非线性函数f(x)及其导数f¢(x)和有根区间[a,b]为参数编写二分法、Newton法、简化Newton法和割线法的通用程序。其中Newton法和简化Newton法的迭代初值x0取为有根区间的中点,割线法x0和x1分别取为a、b。误差取ε=10-6。 编程思路: 二分法: 1、c=(a+b)/2; 2、若f(x)=0,...

  • 可视化程序开发 应用训练 2017年 12月 16日 目录 一、 设计要求 1 二、 软件设计 1 三、 软件实现过程及代码 2 四、 附录 2 一、 设计要求 (此处主要写软件需要完成的功能,要具体,每一个实现的功能都要有 注:此处红色文本为撰写提示,最后报告中不要体现) 1、 使用面向对象语言C...

  • 实验课试题(请仔细阅读提示) 一、 写程序并打印出结果。 有一条短DNA序列 ACTGATCGATTACGTATAGTAGAATTCTATCATACATATATATCGATGCGTTCAT 1. 计算该DNA序列的AT含量。 提示:使用+,-,*,/和()。 2. 该DNA序列的互补链 3. 该DNA序列有E...

  • Matlab课程设计任务书 陈永进 昆明理工大学 力学系 目的: 实现计算机编程是对计算机语言的学习及综合能力培养的手段与目的。本课程设计旨在帮助、提高和考查学生们对matlab语言基础的学习及其matlab语言在工程力学中的应用能力。 内容: 用matlab语言实现乘法器的编程。要求...

  • Adfaith Consulting是上海的一个小咨询公司,创建于1992年,目前已经有600名以上的全职员工。请创建一个小mis(Management Information System)系统,主要完成对该公司员工信息的管理。在该系统中,员工信息存储在一个名为records的文本文件(或xml文件或其它类型存储)中。 111:02-98781999:Wil...

  • 申请报告任务书 报告是以书面的形式向专家/学者陈述某种情况的一种应用文体。目的是介绍某种典型事例,或者陈述某种理论,来详细的讲解与此相关的问题并作出分析的一种体裁。 一、总体要求 报告字数在5000字左右(除了参考文献) 提交报告方式: (1)设计报告打印稿(可以彩色打印),学委统一收好16周收上. (2)...

  • The Psyche · The Psyche THE PSYCHE CAN BE DIVIDED into three major structures that control our lives and our desires. Most of Lacan's many terms for the full complexity of the psyche's working...

  • 大问题:图片网络爬虫设计与图像处理(10 分) 1. 代码检查日期:2018 年 1 月 4 日, 18:00-22:00pm 2. 书面材料提交 截止日期:2018 年 1 月 7 日, 23:59pm,截止日期之后不再接收提交。 提交内容:书面报告文档(Word 版以及 PDF 版本)+程序源码+程序使用说明,打包成 rar 压缩文件,提交文...

  • Python:Hangman游戏 Hangman游戏(简称猜字游戏),是一个猜单词的双人游戏。游戏中有两个玩家,一个玩家负责挑选单词,另外一个玩家负责猜测单词。 猜字游戏的过程如下所示: 1)负责挑选单词的玩家从字典中随机选择一个单词,画出与单词长度等量的位置(每个位置使用一个符号“_”表示,位置之间使用空格隔开),并画上一副绞刑架; 2)负责...

  • Time Series Task 1: Loading the data – 5 pts In this part, you will load the data from the file volume_per_year.csv. There are dates and market volume across the years. You can load this fi...

  • Import modules from datetime import datetime import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot Consider the following data points: date tick_numbers 2016-05-01 1...

  • PROGRAMMING PARADIGMS, DT228A – DT228B/1 Dr. Pierpaolo Dondio project 1 – Prolog Project, Due Date: Friday 1st December 2017 30 marks in total PART 1 (11% of final exam marks) Your kno...

  • MOS 2nd Report < Development of CPU Scheduling and Monitoring Tool with respect to process> Topic: Understanding CPU scheduler and implementation of monitoring tool to recognize o...

  • ECON 4004 A Fall 2017 Simon Power PLEASE BE SURE TO READ THE DOCUMENT ENTITLED: “GENERAL ASSIGNMENT GUIDELINES” (available for download from cuLearn) BEFOR...

  • IA490 Lab 1 Handout Learning Objectives 1. Create working environment for future labs 0 Learn what a virtual machine (VM) is 0 Ins...

  • Project 5: JSON, NoSQL, and AsterixDB Objectives: To practice using a NoSQL database system (AsterixDB). To practice writing queries using the semistructured data model. ...

  • 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING project COVER SHEET Module Number CE865 Module Supervisor Amit Kumar Singh project Number 1 Deadline date and time Midday (1...

  • CS 3060 Programming Languages Dr. Robert Green Prolog III project Setup: Create a new repository on Gitlab.com. The repository MUST be named following the convention “[AAAAAA]_[YYYYYY]_A[X]_LA...

  • Department of Computer Science 17COP505 – Internet Systems project Semester 1 2017 1 Introduction Mobile phones are a convenient way of communication. There were 54,403 unique Base Stations ...

  • COMP 7210: project 1 Due: October 10, 2017, 10:00 PM Objective: Provide research summaries of two papers related to your anticipated thesis topic, using LATEX and BibTeX. Detailed Instructions: ...

  • Scala是什么? Scala 是一门多范式(multi-paradigm)的编程言语,规划初衷是要集成面向对象编程和函数式编程的各种特性。 Scala 源代码被编译成Java字节码,所以它可以运转于JVM之上,并可以调用现有的Java类库。 def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { } ...

  • 课程名称 高级数据库应用 班 级 实验日期 姓 名 学 号 指导教师 实验名称 Oracle 11g数据库安装与配置 实验序号 1 成 绩 一、实验目的及要求 本项目通过实际动手,安装Oracle DB,体验实际工程中数据库安装的实际实施流程,理解和掌握数据库安装的实际应用场景和实施方法。 二、实验环境 操作系统:RHEL 5.5;软件:...

  • 无人机在抢险救灾中的优化运用 2017年8月8日,四川阿坝州九寨沟县发生7.0级地震,造成了不可挽回的人员伤亡和重大的财产损失。由于预测地震比较困难,及时高效的灾后救援是减少地震损失的重要措施。无人机作为一种新型运载工具,能够在救援行动中发挥重要作用。为提高其使用效率,请你们解决无人机优化运用的几个问题。 附件1给出了震区的高程数据,共有2913列,2775行。第一行第...

  • T2, 2017 MPA 701 – Accounting Assessment Task 3 (Part A) – Computerised and Manual Practical Case Studies DUE DATE AND TIME: Week 9, Friday 15 September 2017, 10pm (AEST) PERCENTAGE OF F...

  • Macroeconomic Model Building Fall 2017 Problem Set 1 N7TVH3 Due: 18. Sept. 17:20 Note: If we ask for an equation, do not substitute the value of exogenous variables! Discussion i...

  • 1 / 7 RMIT Computer Science Security in Computing and Information Technology (COSC2536/2537) project, Semester 2, 2017 Aims • To learn how to stay up-to-date with security threats • ...

  • Criterion for project 1 Personal Website Criterion • At least 5 separate pages • Be xhtml compliant (http://validator.w3.org/) • all pages should have the following xml declaration: – – "h...

  • 案例r project The purpose of this replication is to get some practice thinking about details and decisions in graphs. Project 1 Due 9/28 1. Your task is to recreate the graphic from Gapmin...

  • 案例database UML his project is to model an underlying database(s) utilizing a range of attributes, data types, methods 案例database UML案例database UML image.png CHI2550: Part B project Specifica...

  • r语言案例 获得顶级服务,作业案例:经济、金融、统计作业案例,数据分析,数据处理,机器学习,模型,计量、高级疑难的r语言案例分析 r案例 关于R案例的介绍:R诞生于新西兰 奥克兰大学 Robert Gentleman和Ross Ihaka 、其他人员开发,分支发展到现在。R是用于统计建模、数据分析/处理,挖掘,机器学习等很多领域,特别是在金融分析,经济分析,统计学,还有...

  • This could be a group project with a maximum of three students. Do not use the same data as someone else. Write a 4-6 (typed) page (regular font size, etc!) report providing a statistical/econometric ...

  • 案例r语言投资风险 This is a group project which carries 30% of the assessment in this unit. It is due on 16 February 2018. BAO3403 Investment and Portfolio Management Asia – Semester 3, 2018 CUFE,...

  • C Programming writing help This project is designed to give you a better understanding of bits and bit manipulation. Your task is to write 3 small C bit-related programs. C Programming writing hel...

  • c project 7案例 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: HOW TO SUBMIT YOUR WORK You must submit your project answers electronically: Changeinto your subversion directory on bluenose: . Createa directory for t...

  • c++ACO蚁群优化算法 在原来已经写好的ACO蚁群优化算法(C++语言)基础上,用C++语言再写二种ACO的变种算法, 解决排列流水车间权重调度问题PFSP-WT(Permutation Flow Shop problem with Weighted Tardiness) 找到最优解 程序语言:C++ 做完时间: 2019 年 6月 2 日 (晚上12:00) 之前。 程...

  • C Programming writing help This project is designed to give you a better understanding of bits and bit manipulation. Your task is to write 3 small C bit-related programs. C Programming writing hel...

  • C语言程式案例 這個項目的目標是用C 語言編寫一個坦克戰遊戲。目標是消滅所有敵方坦克,同時保護小鳥(蒂蒂)。該項目必須在GNU / Linux 環境下完成。僅通過控制台就可以完成顯示。 C语言程式 坦克戰遊戲 成果展示: C语言程式案例C语言程式案例 這個項目的目標是用C 語言編寫一個坦克戰遊戲。目標是消滅所有敵方坦克,同時保護小鳥(蒂蒂)。該項目必須在GNU ...

  • C++ Allegro案例 booltype A kind of data type in lots of programminglanguages Like c++, java and so It can only be assigned by twovalues: Final Project What is Allegro? Allegro = Allegro ...

  • karatsuba算法案例 C++ Implementation of Integer Addition, Multiplication, and Division。 C++ Implementation of Integer Addition, Multiplication, and Division, due Aug 25th 23:59PM, late submiss...

  • c代码案例 As per usual, I encourage you to tackle this project in small pieces.. The worst approach to programming is to write a ton of code, compile it, and then run and watch it fail … it is so hard to ...

  • OS Systems案例 This homework project must be turned-in electronically via Canvas CODE plug-in. Ensure your C++ source code is named MUID_hw6.cpp, CSE-381: Systems 2 Due: Tuesday October 30 2018 be...

  • os c案例 In the real world, airports communicate with each other to ensure that if a flight takes off, it will be able to land shortly after it arrives. This communication is both a safety and a fuel ec...

  • java案例 For this project, we are going to look at the game Lights Out. This is a single-player game, played on an n by m rectangular board. ITI 1121. Introduction to Computing II Winter 2019 proj...

  • Software-Engineering案例 Details regarding any terms or concepts mentioned below can be found in Software-Engineering案例 Midterm Review Readings Details regarding any terms or concepts mentioned ...

  • java游戏编程案例 [Please read all 3 pages of this document first] COSC1519 Introduction To Programming java游戏编程案例 Assignment 2: Investigative Debugging/Development of a Partially Complete Java A...

  • java graphics program案例 Create a graphics program to draw moving stars and other type of shapes. java graphics program案例 科目Create a graphics program to draw moving stars and other type of shapes. ...

  • 案例java Report案例 随着我司业务的快速发展,强制性公积金客户已超过100万。为了在与对手的竞争中保持绝对优势,满足客户每天 500多笔交易的日常查询需求以及公司内部的事务管理需求,我司目前员工人数已增加到 1600人。从 2000年开始,由于遵守政府强制性公积金条例,我们需要将交易的相关文件记录在我们的存储库中保存长达 7年的时间,并且需要有存储地点的要求限制。 文件共享管理...

  • 地铁大作战案例 本游戏为2d横屏像素⻛风闯关⼩小游戏。游戏背景为⽶米兰,⼀一共三个关卡。游戏主⻆角⼀一共只有⼀一条⽣生命,主⻆角消灭敌⼈人或收集奖励会获得分数。如果主⻆角被敌⼈人碰到或者是掉下悬崖,就⽴立即重新返回 到开始界⾯面。 1.游戏操作: 游戏通过键盘上的【⬅ ➡ 】和【空格键】操作。左右控制前进和后退,空格键控制跳跃。 2.游戏设定: 本游戏为2d横屏像...

  • 从这里开始你的python案例服务,您将会获得一个A+的成绩。 首先如果您是一个初学者,您必须了解python是干什么的,有什么作用,我们如何更好的使用它来完成我们的工作。 Python特点 1、Python使用C语言开发,但是Python不再有C语言中的指针等复杂的数据类型。 2、Python具有很强的面向对象特性,而且简化了面向对象的实现。它消除了保护类型、抽象类、...

  • julia算法案例 这个一个数据读取和一个优化算法的julia code using LinearAlgebra: norm using Random include("SPD1_loader.jl") function proximal_mapping(x::Real, l1::Real, l2::Real, step_size::Real) x /= (...

  • defog python案例 雾气场景中, 由于大气颗粒对光线的散射, 造成场景中目标表面的反射光散射损失, 使其光强度降低, 且随传播距离呈指数衰减, 同时在反射光传播过程中, 附加了环境中大气光源, 并随着传播距离的增加而改变光强. 图像去雾实施方案 介绍 方法介绍 雾气场景中, 由于大气颗粒对光线的散射, 造成场景中目标表面的反射光散射损失, 使其光强度降低, 且...

  • python network案例 NSSA-220 Mini Project 2 Packet Capture Analysis Tool Packet Capture Analysis (PCA) Network engineers and security analysts are often interested in analyzing network packet captures to...

  • Introduction This project is due on Thursday, May 9, 2019. Each student is assigned to an individual database, with a single file containing the data. Each file contains one dependent variable and ...

  • business statistic Excel案例 A short overview of this project. Be sure to read this carefully and ask questions about anything that you don’t understand. Guidance on Business Statistics Portfolio ...

  • R project案例 Complete the following problems below using R. Every problem must have a stated final solution with an interpretation(if applicable), not just computer output. R project案例:STA/ISA 333:...

  • The Analysis Projects are projects where you apply the concepts and tools used in the course to analyze data as might be expected of a professional data scientist. The goal of this project is to give ...

  • 概率学案例 Solutions must be produced using LaTeX and submitted as hardcopy. 概率学案例概率学案例 Instructions: You may only consult the textbook and lecture notes: do not consult any other materials or other ...

  • 网页案例 So, you are ready to design a website, but you don’t know where to begin. Your ultimate goal is to set up a website that will play videos and display photos, but you are not sure how you can succ...

  • 案例java2 The design for this phase (Phase 2) will be an in-class exercise. The class will discuss, and coalesce around, a single design. CSE 216: Software Engineering Programming project #2 Instr...

  • 案例java Each of the four programmers (web, back end, android, admin) should work in a separate branch, and the project manager will merge each branch into the main branch only after completing a code r...

  • Ruby web案例 The purpose of this project is for you to demonstrate your ability to:Develop an interactive web Use Ruby on html jq COM2025 Web Applications Development Project Purpose 1 Pro...

  • You have been hired to develop a prototype account management system for DebtsFlus State Bank. The system is to manage all savings, checking, and pocket accounts at the bank for customers of DebtsFlus...

  • Question 1 (7 marks) Consider the sets C = {(x, y) ∈ R2 | x2 − y2 = 1} P = { 1/2 ( e t + e − t ) i + 12 ( e t − e − t ) j | t ∈ R } (a)  Prove carefully that P ⊆ C. (b)  Is it true that ...

  • You can work on this project by connecting to the wrds cloud from Windows or by working directly in UNIX (see the Windows and the UNIX versions of my programs in Topic 2). In both cases, you will need...

  • report案例 关于信号处理案例 EEE 6209 Advanced Signal Processing课程的答案和报告,包括matlab生成的图,仅供案例案例参考,如果使用请联系作者,否者请侵权! EEE 6209 Advanced Signal Processing Coursework Report Task 1: Signal analysis task ...

  • 信号处理案例 高级信号处理课程练习的目的是探索和应用变换域处理来进行信号去噪。你们每个人都被分配了一个单独的信号,从摩尔课程文件夹下载“信号”文件,并选择MAT文件(x.mat,其中x是您的信号)。也可以下载 噪音文件(噪音,MAT)从鼹鼠课程文件夹。在信号垫文件中可以找到两个变量。它们是分配给您的信号和信号n。噪音垫文件中包含NO。 ISE信号(V)破坏分配给你的信号。 EEE 6209...

  • matlab数学案例 Create a computer animation using Matlab, and put together your creativity with all of the linear algebra and Matlab functions you have learned over the semester. Math 645 Animation pro...

  • stata软件案例 EstimatimgProductiom Fumctiom Download the data “data-olley-pakes”. There are †3fi firms and 6 years of data. Each row refers to one firm in one year. ECO £404 – project £ Estima...

  • java Android案例 Write a program to implement autocomplete for a given set of N terms, where a term is a query string and an associated nonnegative weight. CSE 17 Fall 18 Final Project: Autocomplete...

  • 策略预测案例 The makers of “Cats Love It” cat litter are facing a serious problem. BIA 654 Recall this exercise (from Project 6, Problem 1) which was inspired by a real problem described in the art...

  • math LateX案例 Problem 1. [Estimating a Hilbert’s density] (12 pts, 4 ⇥ 3) 因编辑器不支持公式 所以乱码 pdf预览查看 Let {Xi}n be an i.i.d. sample from an unknown distribution P with (Lebesgue) density f suppo...

  • 概率数学案例 Task1 involves the Binomial&Normal distributions; task 2 involves conditional probability& the third is on integration. Introduction This coursework is made up of three tasks: the first i...

  • 数学案例 Please  either  1)  typeset  your  answers  in  LATEX   and  submit  a  PDF  file  through  Piazza,  or  else  2)  write answers by hand and turn in a physical copy in class, 3) write answers by ...

  • 物理案例 关于string的运用,通过回答小问题的方式,一道题一道题通过matlab实现仿真的案例案例。 Physics 307 Homework DEMO The answer set in here  due date:Thursday,18,October,at 5PM Q 1 answer Suppose there are N+1 nodes in one str...

  • Problem set (Energy and Projectile Motion, Torque and angular acceleration,Inelastic collision,Impulse and Momentum,Angular Momentum) Problem 1. Energy and Projectile Motion. In this problem we wi...

  • When you have just started to learn the art of paper writing, it is hard to know where to start. Writing papers for your instructor or your school can be time consuming What to pay attention to wh...

  • From Roses to Ashes Born in Norway in 1828, Henrik Ibsen is perhaps the most well-known playwright right after William Shakespeare. His works, which set the standard for modern drama, span the late R...

  • 案例Case Study 这是一个兼职学的essay 随着消费主义和消费文化在城市中的兴起,各种消费空间在城市中不断扩展,创造新的历史空间已成为许多城市发展的重要手段。 基于这个背景, 以成都市大洋洲太古王为例,通过对设计、动力和资本的分析。 Department of Architecture and Built Environment K14 RTA Rethinking Ar...

  • 案例VHDL 的案例,这是一些理论期末的题目,旨在考试前复习作为考试资料的目的的案例,充分在考试前复习是对每个考生来说是非常重要的,里面的考点有关理论,案例运用,和vhdl只是的掌握,本文中罗列出来部分我们案例擅长的内容请大家参考案例案例。 VHDL复习题案例 这是一篇关于案例VHDL 的案例,这是一些理论期末的题目,旨在考试前复习作为考试资料的目的的案例,充分在考试前复习是对每个考生...

  • Data Science案例 Bayesian Data Science: project 2 Data Science案例 Bayesian Data Science. Please do all questions and parts.Please show all relevant working and use R for all statistical. Data Sci...

  • Write functions案例 Project 2:  Write functions to do the following: Write functions案例 You need to write your r codes,not to use the existing r functions.You may use the existing r function to check...

  • R project案例 Complete the following problems below using R. Every problem must have a stated final solution with an interpretation(if applicable), not just computer output. R project案例:STA/ISA 333:...

  • R project案例 Problem 1 This problem involves the OJ data set which is part of the ISLR package. BIA-656 – project 4 Problem 1 This problem involves the OJ data set which is part of th...

  • 策略预测案例 The makers of “Cats Love It” cat litter are facing a serious problem. BIA 654 Project 7 Recall this exercise (from Homework 6, Problem 1) which was inspired by a real problem described ...

  • r time series案例 The objective of the presentation and paper is for you to apply the tools you have developed in your applied microeconomics class to analyze a microeconomic issue of your choice. R...

  • RMarkdown案例 In this project you will demonstrate how to use Method of Moments and Maximum Likelihood Estimation to find parameters of a distribution for which you believe were used in the data generat...

  • 案例r Infrared Digital Scoreboard SGD method 请阅读这整份文件。它是冗长的,包含许多细节-但这些细节大部分是为了使这个项目更容易。省去一些头痛,先看看这个。这是CS 272的中期计划。 Infrared Digital Scoreboard CS 272 Midterm Project – Fall 2018 Due: Wednesday, Oc...

  • Fast File System (Improve File System Performance) OS案例 The basic Nachos FileSystemmust be implemented. Implement the dividing of a file into blocks and blocks and fragments. OS案例OS案例 No user ...

  • C Programming help This project is designed to give you some initial experience with programming in C, as well as compiling, linking, running, and debugging. CS 211: Computer Architecture, Spring ...

  • c project 7案例 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: HOW TO SUBMIT YOUR WORK You must submit your project answers electronically: Changeinto your subversion directory on bluenose: . Createa directory for t...

  • CS c语言project案例 projects are due on the due date before 23:59. All projects must be submitted electronically via the course SVN server. project 6 CSCI 2132: Software Development Due April 1, 2...

  • c++ACO蚁群优化算法 在原来已经写好的ACO蚁群优化算法(C++语言)基础上,用C++语言再写二种ACO的变种算法, 解决排列流水车间权重调度问题PFSP-WT(Permutation Flow Shop problem with Weighted Tardiness) 找到最优解 程序语言:C++ 作业做完时间: 2019 年 6月 2 日 (晚上12:00) 之前。 ...

  • Due 11:59pm, Monday May 13 This assignment is worth 15% of your marks for this course. cmd1 | cmd2 | cmd3 ………… | cmdn Round 1: sequence.c This program should read and execute a li...

  • C语言程式案例 這個項目的目標是用C 語言編寫一個坦克戰遊戲。目標是消滅所有敵方坦克,同時保護小鳥(蒂蒂)。該項目必須在GNU / Linux 環境下完成。僅通過控制台就可以完成顯示。 C语言程式 坦克戰遊戲 成果展示: 這個項目的目標是用C 語言編寫一個坦克戰遊戲。目標是消滅所有敵方坦克,同時保護小鳥(蒂蒂)。該項目必須在GNU / Linux 環境下完成。僅通過控制台就...

  • C++ Allegro案例 booltype A kind of data type in lots of programminglanguages Like c++, java and so It can only be assigned by twovalues: Final Project What is Allegro? Allegro = Allegro ...

  • karatsuba算法案例 C++ Implementation of Integer Addition, Multiplication, and Division。 C++ Implementation of Integer Addition, Multiplication, and Division, due Aug 25th 23:59PM, late submiss...

  • c代码案例 As per usual, I encourage you to tackle this project in small pieces.. The worst approach to programming is to write a ton of code, compile it, and then run and watch it fail … it is so hard to ...

  • Web Browser案例 Web Browser案例Web Browser案例 Web Browser案例 The purpose of this assignment is to build a web browser using classes native to the JavaFX API.This will help consolidate Web Browser (P...

  • Mobile Software案例 Mobile Software案例 Design, build and evaluate an application for taking personal photos on a mobile and to organise Mobile Software案例Mobile Software案例 1 COM4510/COM6510 Soft...

  • Java project案例 Java project案例 student’s seating assignment.Feel free to reuse any of the code from the modules to complete the requirements. Java project案例Java project案例 For this project, ...

  • Software-Engineering案例 Details regarding any terms or concepts mentioned below can be found in Software-Engineering案例 Midterm Review Readings Details regarding any terms or concepts mentioned ...

  • 案例java Report案例 随着我司业务的快速发展,强制性公积金客户已超过100万。为了在与对手的竞争中保持绝对优势,满足客户每天 500多笔交易的日常查询需求以及公司内部的事务管理需求,我司目前员工人数已增加到 1600人。从 2000年开始,由于遵守政府强制性公积金条例,我们需要将交易的相关文件记录在我们的存储库中保存长达 7年的时间,并且需要有存储地点的要求限制。 文件共享管理系...

  • 地铁大作战案例 本游戏为2d横屏像素⻛风闯关⼩小游戏。游戏背景为⽶米兰,⼀一共三个关卡。游戏主⻆角⼀一共只有⼀一条⽣生命,主⻆角消灭敌⼈人或收集奖励会获得分数。如果主⻆角被敌⼈人碰到或者是掉下悬崖,就⽴立即重新返回 到开始界⾯面。 1.游戏操作: 游戏通过键盘上的【⬅ ➡ 】和【空格键】操作。左右控制前进和后退,空格键控制跳跃。 2.游戏设定: 本游戏为2d横屏像...

  • 案例java Phases5 Regardless of which option you choose, your final phase must meet these criteria: Consume at least one new API orservice; Require extensions to all softwarecomponents; A developer ...

  • JavaFX案例 You are required to use Java SE 8.0 and JavaFX to develop a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for the CityLodge rental room management program created in Assignment 1. COSC1295 Advanced Prog...

  • Python案例服务 从这里开始你的python案例服务,您将会获得一个A+的成绩。首先如果您是一个初学者,您必须了解python是干什么的,有什么作用,我们如何更好的使用它来完成我们的工作。 从这里开始你的python案例服务,您将会获得一个A+的成绩。 首先如果您是一个初学者,您必须了解python是干什么的,有什么作用,我们如何更好的使用它来完成我们的工作。 Pyth...

  • julia算法案例 这个一个数据读取和一个优化算法的julia code using LinearAlgebra: norm using Random include("SPD1_loader.jl") function proximal_mapping(x::Real, l1::Real, l2::Real, step_size::Real) x /= (...

  • 知一組再生晶圓瑕疵特徵圖(Reclaim wafer defective feature map)之 資料(如附件),請以 Keras API 建構有效之 MLP 及 CN 分類器 (Classifier),將此資料供分類成所需之十種分類,必須以一系列實驗(DOE)決定訓練(及預測)之相關參數,以期得到最佳分類及預測效果,並以 words 完成相關報告;使用 Python 請依以下敘述,逐...

  • defog python案例 雾气场景中, 由于大气颗粒对光线的散射, 造成场景中目标表面的反射光散射损失, 使其光强度降低, 且随传播距离呈指数衰减, 同时在反射光传播过程中, 附加了环境中大气光源, 并随着传播距离的增加而改变光强. 图像去雾实施方案 介绍 方法介绍 雾气场景中, 由于大气颗粒对光线的散射, 造成场景中目标表面的反射光散射损失, 使其光强度降低, 且...

  • python医学分析案例 Each patient is identified using an integer identifier (e.g.56374). Each symptoms is a string such as “headache” or“fever”. Each diagnostic is a string such as “cold” or“meningitis” Sy...

  • python network案例 NSSA-220 Mini Project 2 Packet Capture Analysis Tool Packet Capture Analysis (PCA) Network engineers and security analysts are often interested in analyzing network packet captures to...

  • Data visualization案例 “Lecture- Midterm Project” slide. We list the requirements for this project as follows. EECE 5642 Data Visualization Midterm Project Instructor: XXXXX Submission Due D...

  • 案例金融数学 The volatility of stock can be calculated by calculating the standard deviation of stock return, i.e. STD (stock_ret); the beta of stock can be calculated by CAPM formula Risk modeling Fina...

  • python regression案例 Your work product will consist of a series of documents with different due dates, a presentation, and your Bitbucket repository. ISTA 131 Final Project: Rubric and Instructions...

  • 网络安全Anonymity案例 Even simple investigation of web tra c can be used to learn potentially-sensitive information. Here we set up a web server, and observe what information is visible to a few di erent pe...

  • Python统计案例 This exercise explores the Python Selenium and the regular expressions to download the Apple products offered by amazon.com. STAT 7008 Project 4 Deadline 1 Dec 2018 Python统计案例...

  • python kaggle案例 Rossmann operates over 3,000 drug stores in 7 European countries. Currently, Rossmann store managers are tasked with predicting their daily sales for up to six weeks in advance. Stor...

  • jupyter notebook案例 包括数据:BAC.csv CMA.csv USB.csv WFC.csv 这是一个关于数据分析 交易策略及数据挖掘的作业,我希望你学习你所学到的技能来定义交易策略,并习惯它的工作原理。然后,我希望你在一些价格数据上对它进行优化。在这个过程中,你会写一个mini,这让你想到一旦你的交易程序与Quantopian交互后会发生什么。 jupyter note...

  • Written project 3 (due on Tuesday, October 23rd) Written project案例 ou are asked to conduct an event study of the effect of merger announcements on the stock price of target firms. Part I. Merger A...

  • MSc in Financial Mathematics, FM50/2019 Negative rates and portfolio risk management Financial Mathematics案例 This document describes one of the available topics for the MSc-project in Financial Ma...

  • Data案例 HW project ­ Data Scientist/Data Analyst Data案例 Note: You will be given access to data describing: a) the per­minute traffic to client XYZ’s website, and b) TV commercial airings. Data案例Da...

  • Risk Metrics案例 Simulating Gas Curves with Application to Risk Metrics.Do not simply run a Jupyter notebook containing the calculations. Risk Metrics案例Risk Metrics案例 Homework for...

  • Digital Technology案例 Digital Technology to Reinstate the Pedal Power: The Case for Ofo Digital Technology案例 At the height of unprecedented breakthrough in innovation, digital technology is changin...

  • Bayesian Data Science: project 2 Data Science案例 Bayesian Data Science. Please do all questions and parts.Please show all relevant working and use R for all statistical. Data Science案例 Instructi...

  • Assignment – Autumn Semester 2018 Web Services Web Services Development:development of a medium-sized web application incorporating web services and production of a report Web Se...

  • UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, SYDNEY 41025 Introduction to Software Development Project – Implementation & Testing project 2 Due Date: Softcopy Due by Friday 31/05/2019 11:55 PM AEST Showcases in ...

  • java Phases4 Each student should be in a different role than the one during Phases 1-3. Be careful with how you assign roles: each student should have a turn in each role before the end of the semeste...

  • ## Overview For your fourth Creative Project, you will create your own Node.js web service available for use with AJAX and fetch. Once again, as a Creative Project, you have freedom to have more owne...

  • Premise – Contains any needed background information Request – The actual question, what you are to solve Notes – A space if you feel like including notes of any kind for the given question Prem...

  • Open the XML Read/Process the data of the XML Save the data in the MySQL database (can be one or more datatables) Notes: Unit and integration tests should be Youcan use any existing PHP platfor...

  • portfolio risk management案例 portfolio risk management案例 This document describes one of the available topics for the MSc-project in Financial Mathematics. Cristin Buescu and Teemu Pennanen Depart...

  • Data Structures案例 Data Structures案例 20 points possible (0.3 pts/ question unless noted)11 pages, 1 hr 40 min time (~9 mins / page).Please pace appropriately. Name: 1.G...

  • Choose ONE of the 3 primary sources available on-line or Blackboard that you will analyze (marked with an asterisk (**): Valeriano, “Nican Mopohua,” (10/15) Landers, “Felipe Edimboro Sues for Manumiss...

  • HR案例 There is unanimous consensus amongst business scholars that an organization’s human resource strategy is pivotal for the business plan. HR案例 University University Th...

  • buildings essay案例 A beginning section stating the purpose of your essay. It should provide a short explanation or summary of your essay. Introduction (Max 250 words)...

  • MAB report案例 Multi-Armed Bandit. Assuming there are multiple “arms” you can pull, and each arm will give a return or loss back to you. MAB report Slot machines are the most ...

  • Word count: 966 For each individual that plays a role in one of the social networks, integrated use of management concepts is important, helping understand the dynamic nature of decision metho...

  • project You may choose any of these projects. Two people per project. The output is analysis (Excel or Jupyter Notebook) Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Th...

  • The project is due on June 10th. It is worth 10% percent of your final grade. You can work on the project jointly with others, however everyone should write and submit their own project answers. ...

  • 1.Define the risk management methodology to be used The risk management process is scalable to ensure that the level,type,and visibility of risk management are commensurate with both the risk and t...

  • Overview: The goal of this project is to help you become acquainted with the platforms and other software you’ll use in the programming projects. Please complete this project on your own, so tha...

  • Overview In this Project, you will implement a Naive Bayes classifier, apply it to various classification datasets, and explore evaluation paradigms as well as the impact of individual features. You ...

  • 1 Introduction You will be required to add features to the “Battleship” game created in Task 1 using the C programming language (in the C89 standard). Your completed program will: • Meet the gamepl...

  • 1. (15) Consider a sequence of n Bernoulli trials with success probability p per trial. A string of consecutive successes is known as a success run. (a) Write a function that returns the counts for r...

  • Instructions Software: You must use Minitab to produce any graphs, tables and descriptive statis- tics. Statistics: Must be relevant: you will be penalised for including statistics which are not...

  • Introduction In this project, Earth is threatened by a shower of meteorites falling in your location. It is your task to receive sensor readings of the locations of these meteorites, predict where ea...

  • Note: don't use collections, like list, HashSet (TreeSet), and HashMap (TreeMap) Write a program that implements a set of items (strings) using a singly linked list. A set is a collection of items in...

  • Programming project 1 The purpose of this project is to make you familiar with the Octave environment and practice implementing basic functions. You will implement a gradient descent algorithm for ...

  • # Project 2: Kinematics ## Car Kinematics In this part of the project, you will work with the MuSHR platform. The goal is to implement the kinematics model of the MuSHR car in 2D. **Q1**: Kinem...

  • Overall Program Omicrest Security Systems are manufacturers of smart cameras and home surveillance systems. Their smart surveillance systems are configured to use advanced machine learning techniqu...

  • Solution guidelines For problems that require you to provide an algorithm, you must provide: 1. pseudocode and, if helpful, a precise description of the algorithm in English. As always, pseudocode...

  • Questions Q1 : Parenthesis Matching (12 + 3 points) Your task is to write and analyse an algorithm to verify parenthesis matching in a mathematical expression. Your...

  • 1. Introduction In this project, you are r...

  • Instructions: YOU WILL SUBMIT MULTIPLE FILES FOR THIS PROGRAMMING PROJECT. Create a sub-directory named ”hw2” in your cs410 directory. Use that subdirec...

  • Programming Project 2 In this programming project, we will modify the code from the first project to make it support linear regression with multiple variables. We will also vec...

  • Programming project 3 In this programming project, we will implement logistic regression. Since logistic regression has many similarities with linear regression, you will reuse most of the ...

  • The association between meal regularity (i.e., mealtime regularity [MTR] and calorie intake regularity [CIR]) and glycemic control. ...

  • Guidelines Collaboration policy Collaboration on homework problems, with the exception of programming assignments and reading quizzes, is permitted, but not encouraged. If you choose to col...

  • Project Scenario – Student Overseas Programme System (SOPS) Background To enrich their educational journey with an international perspective, NTU students are given the opportunity to...

  • Task Description You will create a game in the Java programming language using the Processing library for graphics and gradle as a dependency manager. In the game, the player must avoid ene...

  • This project should be completed with Stata. When submitting your project, copy-paste your Stata code at the bottom of the document you submit. You will learn how to use...

  • 1 Introduction  The 100 prisoners riddle aims at freeing all the prisoners given that each prisoner can find his number slip within the given number of trials. Please view the video for...

  • General description: Here is the general description of your final project. For the project, students will work individually. The project requirements con- sist of three main parts, dealing with both ...

  • Programming Assignment 5 In this programming assignment, we will implement a feed-forward neural network. Before you start programming: ● Make sure that you have Octave on your system...

  • ### What to Submit - An **R/Python Markdown file in HTML** or a link to such a file, containing all necessary code to reproduce the reported results. No page limit. - A web link to a **movie recomme...
